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ive had the first 800 of mine out for 10 days now but they were 9 weeks and are doing better in the release pen which is 4 acres and has plenty cover than they would in the rearing sheds .....I put out 300 ex layers out in the woods yesterday that can do what they want .

A lot of keepers are refuseing to take birds because there pens are soaking and this bad weather coming in this weekend ...but it will have to get to the point when they will have to take them .....

Its hard to tell how much losses weve had due to the size of release pen but going by the food there going through and I have been up in the pen trying to count them going to roost and all looks well....last year was wet and we had a lot of losses amate of mine lost 1400 in one realy bad rain storm but it was colder last year ....heard a few lads gamecrops have totally failed.

Its the grouse boys that might struggle and from what im hearing there are barron birds coveying up and second broods that will not be ready for the 12th

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There are two big factors that will catch you out in this weather. First is poor quality, badly reared birds that won't stand any weather on there backs. Second and it sounds like moo is heading in right direction is the release pens. Small dark wet pens spells trouble. Make sure there is plenty of room, and somewhere they can dry out when it does stop raining. If those two are right and you're half decent stockman get them out, soon go back quickly on rearing field. As for me, mine still young enough to go back in shed when it rains!

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I,ve had 10,000 out in the release pens for 3 weeks now the rides started to flood so I had to straw the rides in the pens.had Aurofac in feed for the first 2 weeks and now on flubenvet but that is the only meds they have had and they are looking good and no losses,the credit must go to my game farmer he rears under electric hens and they where feather perfect and properly hardened on arrival makes all the difference in this weather,

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