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Chairgun pro

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Hey , I was just wondering do you have to have a hawke scope to use this software and if not I have a nikko Stirling 4-16x44 with 4 horizontal mildotes either side of the centre and 4 vertical ones , could anyone give me some advice on which reticle to choose on the software for my scope ?

ATB Michael

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Hi Michael, The Hawke Chairgun Pro is designed to work with the Hawke optics, no wheather it works on your particular scope that depends if your optics are the same as the Hawkes. All you could do is a lot of range trials, you would have to type in some information from your particular guns performance and pellet weight and then see if your figures equal those that Hawke Chairgun Pro say you should have.

Sorry to be so vague but it is written by Hawke for Hawke scopes.

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dowload it it is free after all.




then eather 'calculate clicks per moa'

or 'calculate dot stop (moa/dot)' to set any dot spacing in you have.


theres a help option too.


first thing you'll find is the 0-10 yard bit might be out but the rest is damn close or spot on, the reason is the manufacturers tolerences on scopes n guns do actualy vary a litle bit, just tweek it. its close enough with ruler measred scope heights etc if yu just cant be arsed like lol.

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Yes it will work on other scope makes with a genetic mildot, you can also change the settings to work on other type mildot scopes.


You could technically make it perfect for the mamba too if you were clever enough with the software.



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word to the wiser on scope setting up, the longer you do it the more your eyes 'change', might sound weird but they do. e.g. 10-60x setting up the big wheel for distances on 50 mag, start at 5 yards then 55 yards, so theres a definate change to see and your eyeball aint locking on the same thing and getting the TV BOGGLE EYE EFECT.

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