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would this be any good on bunnys?

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Its recall must be bad if he needs a loud speaker for the poor fecker.

That hyena,s better off dead by the looks of things, poor c**t,.

lol some of you are as bad as antis!!! never judge another man till youve walked a mile in his shoes... if you grew up eating your own shit for dinner and using these hyenas to make a few quid was a

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Sad picture, .....strange how the front legs turn inwards not like dogs. :hmm:


yeh mate, rather see it in the wild, than like that . Not sure if there are of the dog family though .? I know watching few films of them , that a lioness want feck about with them, only males.So seeing them like that brings it home to you , a waste of a way for them to live. :yes:

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poor c*nt looks as sad as feck, that old twat wants a 7.62 through the cranium and the fooker turning loose if it gets killed or dies of strarvation after so be it, at least it had a chance ;)

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poor c*nt looks as sad as feck, that old twat wants a 7.62 through the cranium and the fooker turning loose if it gets killed or dies of strarvation after so be it, at least it had a chance ;)

Adopt it mate :victory:

mate id rather shoot it than see it like that :cray:
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poor c*nt looks as sad as feck, that old twat wants a 7.62 through the cranium and the fooker turning loose if it gets killed or dies of strarvation after so be it, at least it had a chance ;)

Adopt it mate :victory:

mate id rather shoot it than see it like that :cray:


Agree on that :yes:

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poor c*nt looks as sad as feck, that old twat wants a 7.62 through the cranium and the fooker turning loose if it gets killed or dies of strarvation after so be it, at least it had a chance ;)

Adopt it mate :victory:

mate id rather shoot it than see it like that :cray:


Agree on that :yes:

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lol some of you are as bad as antis!!! never judge another man till youve walked a mile in his shoes... ;) if you grew up eating your own shit for dinner and using these hyenas to make a few quid was an option, would you turn it down... :hmm:

maybe this is how "we" domesticated dogs all them years ago.... :hmm:



i dont agree with it same as im not to fond of the japs killing dolphins or the canadians clubbing seal cubs but am i going to say its wrong when so many people disagree with running lurchers??? am i fook.... :D live and let live, greenpeace is out there to worry about all that,,,,, :D:victory:

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Fair point, but it's only an opinion. Not kind were gona protest about it mate.

Dolphins now that's bad. I'd ive seen a vid on that, I was shocked!

and thats my point mate!!! people are shocked by a lurcher killing a fox, but to a lurcherman its nothing!!! and its the same to a slit eye when he shoves a pick axe in a dolphins head... :D

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makes me smile .. i dont have any big oppinions on it ..but,, its ao to keep a bird in a cage , a rabbit in a small pen a dog in a kennell but not a hyena!!!



they dont look starved to me or perticulaly ill treated not like some pictures ive seen of some dogs that have been ill treated or horses cats ect in the west ..

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makes me smile .. i dont have any big oppinions on it ..but,, its ao to keep a bird in a cage , a rabbit in a small pen a dog in a kennell but not a hyena!!!



they dont look starved to me or perticulaly ill treated not like some pictures ive seen of some dogs that have been ill treated or horses cats ect in the west ..

spot on!!!... :thumbs:

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