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Thought I'd try and get a few pics in focus LOL: not my strong point, so went out quietly with one dog and found this little chap squawking on the ground before it flew into a bush.



Then moooching through a field of ste aside almost trod on this: would have done if I hadn't had my eyes peeled: perfect camouflage.....



One of the lakes round here......



Took these in my back garden: the escapeee who always creeps under the edge of the run and goes exploring: reckon he thinks that if he flaps enough he'll fly........




mum and the other chicks stay in a safe place........


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Haven't a clue: it's the first one I've seen that exact colour. Or is it just a variation on something else: don't know a lot about insects: just like looking at them LOL

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martin: I sent the pic to a dragonfly site and today got the reply:


Many thanks for your excellent photograph. The dragonfly is an Emperor (a male) that has only recently emerged from its underwater nymphal stage. Its normal colours have thus not yet developed fully - they will do so over the next day or so. If you look closely, the wings are also not entirely hardened off yet, giving them a rather glossy appearance.

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Just got a reply re my green dragonfly pic: this time from the Environment Agency, saying this.........



This looks like the female emperor dragonfly (Anax imperator). The

female is more green in colour on the abdomen while the male is blue

over the abdomen. This species is confined to the South and East of the

UK and is not very common.


I wonder which one is correct, this last answer or the first one a few days ago from the British Dragonfly Society!

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I would say the 1st one as you can see once told, how the wings are still creased. I would send each of them the other ones reply to see what they say then :yes:


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