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salukixgrey x bullx grey seem good x for any quarry :thumbs:

sounds decent mate but not a bull x fan really but swapping the bull for collie sounds a nice dog, i also thought collie/grey x deerhound/grey but its finding one as i dont beleive half the stuff that come out of some peoples mouths when it comes to selling pups. cheers

Edited by nottzhunter08
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I'd like to try a collie/grey x saluki/grey or even a wheaten/grey x saluki/grey think either would make a good jack of all trades type

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salukixgrey x bullx grey seem good x for any quarry :thumbs:

sounds decent mate but not a bull x fan really but swapping the bull for collie sounds a nice dog, i also thought collie/grey x deerhound/grey but its finding one as i dont beleive half the stuff that come out of some peoples mouths when it comes to selling pups. cheers

well if just rabbits you wont beat collie x greys, but a dog for other quarry as well as the post said colliex grey x salukixgrey, a mate had 1 in the mid 80s and good on all game, but a drop of bull in there will always help , put bit more drive in if you have a hard night, and will tackle anything you might bump into.!

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Asking what's the best "allrounder" is like asking how long is a piece of string !! You'll get a hundred different answers, as everyone has their own favorite type. The best bet is to try and find a litter where both parents have been good "allrounders", whatever their breeding. Get a pup from that litter, give it the best feeding, kenneling, conditioning, training and entering....... and hope for the best !! :thumbs:



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in my opinion thats a really complicted question mate . the easest way is to list your prey in order of preferencer and the atributes required then select from there. In the right hands any dog will do anything for you pal. saluki/ whippet/greyhoundx bull/greyhound and collie/whippetgreyhound have worked well for me.

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