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help to convince a mate

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Everybody has ignored another power source. Co2! Yes good old carbon dioxide. How about a Crosman Rabbit Stopper, an XS78 or 79, Umarex850? Great little guns, all the advantages of PCP, but no bottles, just little capsules! Tunable as well. No pump or diving cylinder, just the 12g bulbs that you can pick up cheap from ebay!


OK so there are problems in temperatures under 6 degrees c, but from the sound of your friend he will not be out there at time of year, of if he is, he may well have gone pcp by then!

Edited by secretagentmole
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If you don't have the skill to shoot a recoiling rifle then a PCP would be best, but to suggest everyone should use a multi shot PCP for hunting is ridiculous.

Yes go with the Weihrauch or a TX200   However....   ...he dosnt want the hassle of bottles or a PCP and he dosnt want a springer? .. sounds like he dosnt want a rifle at all   ATB   Adam

Everybody has ignored another power source. Co2! Yes good old carbon dioxide. How about a Crosman Rabbit Stopper, an XS78 or 79, Umarex850? Great little guns, all the advantages of PCP, but no bottles

Everybody has ignored another power source. Co2! Yes good old carbon dioxide. How about a Crosman Rabbit Stopper, an XS78 or 79, Umarex850? Great little guns, all the advantages of PCP, but no bottles, just little capsules! Tunable as well. No pump or diving cylinder, just the 12g bulbs that you can pick up cheap from ebay!


OK so there are problems in temperatures under 6 degrees c, but from the sound of your friend he will not be out there at time of year, of if he is, he may well have gone pcp by then!


Think this is the only option for him

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I've not had a runner yet mate so yeah, not blowing my own whistle or anything, just saying.

what do u mean by runners? Runners tend to be a hit then they run off few metres into cover etc. You were on about misses ,not hit and run..nobody takes a shot not expecting to hit the rabbit anywhere. I took a shot on a rabbit 43 paces with .177 an as I took the shot a strong wind hit and took the pellet off into the chest of the rabbit the otherday. I honestly thought I still hit it in the head,but on closer inspection I saw where it had gone through the heart +lung place, it didn't jump,twitch or anything. But still give it a reassuring smack at the head with hand. People will probably not like the bad marksmanship of accounting for wind, but when I released to shot that is when the wind picked up. I never take heart and lung shots ,but goes to show it can be done..with the girly calibre . And misses do happen whether you like it or not
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Rob, Probuk is saying you shouldn't hunt with a springer because you might need a quick follow up shot, you will only need to do this if you miss the kill zone, not if you miss altogether.

Edited by Flow
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No he didn't say you shouldn't, he said that he sees multishots more suitable for hunting just incase you need a follow up shot. I can see what he is saying as if you do you can do it a lot quicker an less chance of missing the opportunity to do so ,by the time you load up a spring etc . And you said it was ridiculous to suggest only pcp multi for hunting..when really he has a valid point of why he chooses to do so..which is upto him. Anyone not confident to shoot at living animals should go back to the drawing board an put more practice in. But at the end of the day you can't read a rabbits.mind on whether its going to hop foreward or a wind come accross, like what happened to me..but if it does with pcp atleast you can put it right, quicker than a Springer ..that's what he was trying to get accross, same goes for me.

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i would go for a xs78 great little guns and easy to tune great for hunting and take two 12g capsules and all this about shouldn't hunt with spring or single shot rifles is rubbish its funny most people i see shooting with springers do fine and i have been shooting with spring and single shot rifles and don't really see much use for multi shot gun is just anover thing to go wrong

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In theory you don't miss, and if you think you might you don't take the shot.


Not using a girls calibre also helps :thumbs:

:laugh: :laugh: that's fighting talk at it's best Flow :boxing:


Tell you what Flow..if that's your best shot...You can have it.


Reason being, I WOULD NEVER HIT BACK AT A GIRL :angel:


No offence Flow :D


Marty :thumbs:

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Also if you buy one from somebody like Welsh Willy at Woodfield Guncare, you can get a fully tuned XS78 for under £120, 11 foot pound CO2 mayhem!



T here's a lad down my club using a co2 bolt action rifle..he's tuned it up a tad and its running nearly 12fp but think he only get's 22 shot's from 2 cylinder's...Tell ya what though, it's deadly accurate out to 30meters. In all honesty..iv thought of buying one myself. His came with scope and case aswell for £130ish


Well worth looking into IMO



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