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Why I Love Rain...

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Saves me fetching Water!




Rain catchment vessel #1




Catchment Vessel #2




The 'Reservoir'




And finally the British Berkefeld (Berkey) 'Water Treament Works'.



Makes for one mighty fine coffee and hot chocolate and super de duper de free!!!!


(Filter has washable carbon ceramic elements)


Hooray the rain!



Now stop so I can go hunting....

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Milegajo, when you run out of water youve collected, how far to your nearest source?


Only 1/4 mile round trip to a cattle trough. That's the trouble with being on the high ground. The ground drains fast too so creating ponds won't be easy.

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Is that the only amenitie you are without mate ?

I'm guessing it's a remote cottage?


Might be a cottage one day if I get my arse in gear. Caravan for now.


Electricity - 60w Solar Array bought two years ago http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CFIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.maplin.co.uk%2F60w-solar-power-kit-223250&ei=-7HyT7m8A4nd8gOZwv3FCQ&usg=AFQjCNG-xR8OIeM_3Yb1gyd3pZD1PEGx_A&sig2=INKogiQkLuZKu5-Z0ICrNw

Heat - Wood

19kg Gas Bottle for our single hob. (Mrs insists on it, i'd be happy with a rocket stove)

Phone and Internet on mobile.

Toilet - Bucket outside. Bury the waste in the woodland as nature intended :thumbs: . Tree and worm food! Otherwise, I urinate around the veg patch and chicken fence which has kept away deer and foxes so far.

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3rd pic down looks like you had a good day pannin for gold whistling.gif


Does dunnit! Thankfully that's the worst found in my water supply. Can't vouch for the cattle trough water though. That said those berkey water filters claim to remove loads of nasties including lead and heavy metals.

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