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Slaughtering your own sheep

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OK, firstly, you can't 'help out friends'. If they want to slaughter a sheep for their own consumption, then they need to do it themselves.


As for the ideal weapon, a .22 isn't ideal; the skull of a sheep is thicker than a horse or a bullock, and I've seen .22 rimfire rounds bounce off more than once. To the person that suggested putting it behind the ear; that is illegal in the UK.


If you speak to the HSA they have booklets with diagrams on shot placement. Ideally, you need to do a frontal shot with a shotgun, aiming to put the shot down the neck. From 6 inches to a foot away, that will result in a hole about the size of a ten pence coin, and complete brain and brain stem destruction. The aiming point should be where an imaginary cross runs between the horns (or where the horns should be) and the eyes.


If you haven't done it before, then you would be better off having someone there who knows what they are doing to show you the way forward. The 'stick' is very important because you need to get as much blood out of the carcass as possible as soon as you shoot it. With a free bullet shot you are better off doing a chest (pig) stick rather than a throat stick.


A captive bolt is a completely different prospect, and has a different aiming point.


If you need more advice then please do contact the HSA, as these things can go horribly wrong, and humanely and safely slaughtering a sheep is completely different to doing a bit of shooting in the field.


An abattoir will charge £25-£30 to kill a sheep and the resulting meat can be eaten by anyone and sold to anyone.

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was going to put something up but wasent sure and dident want duncan shouting at me if i was wrong john

Yes it is legal, providing the meat is for the use of you and your direct family.   Obviously cruelty laws need to be thought about, and if it's more than a year old (has cut teeth) then SRM comes i

what is srm? surely if you it is for your family who cares if its lamb or mutton as no one will be breaking the law by passing off mutton as lamb? and its shepHERD

Iv done sheep a few times for my own use! it is never worth the work and hastle, take it to a propper slaughter house if your not sure! its easy to mess up and make a bum job and more inportently it might be cruel if you dont get it right.

My mate is a pro slughterman and to see him do them is an art. .22 is what i have used and works ok but he uses a bolt gun and is far better and safer.

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