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Slaughtering your own sheep

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was going to put something up but wasent sure and dident want duncan shouting at me if i was wrong john

Yes it is legal, providing the meat is for the use of you and your direct family.   Obviously cruelty laws need to be thought about, and if it's more than a year old (has cut teeth) then SRM comes i

what is srm? surely if you it is for your family who cares if its lamb or mutton as no one will be breaking the law by passing off mutton as lamb? and its shepHERD

Yes it must be either stunned and then bled, or shot and then bled.


A .410 is ideal for the job. Bang! and then get the knife in and the blood out.


Ritual slaughter is only allowed in registered abattoirs otherwise we'd have livestock being killed in the streets like they do in France.


Once dressed, you need somewhere fly free to hang it for a good few days to let the carcass firm up before you joint it.


Anyone considering doing this should go to the HSA for advice.

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can do it yourself but cannot sell meat, only use for your consumption alone, and im guessing family. obviously all cruelty laws etc would have to be adhered to.

was going to put something up but wasent sure and dident want duncan shouting at me if i was wrong :thumbs: john

I'm no shooter lol!

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Now I'm satisfied that it's legal to home slaughter your own sheep according to HSA, what. The bet method?

Someone mentioned .410, but what cartridge, and where to put the muzzle? Would a .22lr sub be as effective?


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Why you gona take pot shots at them in the field? Lol

Mate remove it to a place put the way , or in a barn. Needs to be up close and personal, also you can't do it as a fav, needs to be your own beasts.

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It won't be a common occurence - friends have asked me to help them out.

.22 with subsonic round shouldn't disturb the remaining flock too much either.






If I was doing it, id want the animal a lot more contained than a field. Can they not go to the abotoir?

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If you use a .22 then shoot it behind the ear, don't go for the front of the head.......take my word for it !!


Your prib spot on mate. I know f**k all about rifles. Was just going by the bolt gun. Which did the job very well.

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