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firearms licence help needed

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i am just about to put in for my FAC i have all the land and refers needed


at the moment my parents are not to keen on me keeping guns in the house


so i am wanting to store them in my freinds gun cabinet


he has had a Fac for 2 years and has a CF/RF .22 and a .17 HMR on his ticket


i am putting in for a RF.22 CF.243 and a shotgun


would i be able to store them in his cabinet or with him not having a shotgun ticket


or .243 on his ticket is this not possible



any help on this would be great


(ps i dont wont to keep them at local gun club)





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The key as Scarecrow says is "access"


For you to keep them in the same cabinet as your friend, you would need exactly the same calibres on your ticket as his and both sets of guns would need to be on both your FACs as shared rifles. However, if you installed a new cabinet in his house which you and only you have access to, then you may get away with it.

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i heard of someone sharing a cabinet.....one person had a sgc only the other had a shotgun cert and a FAC.


They installed a chain affair similar to those used on motorbikes with the rubber casing, to loop through the firearms and that was locked seperately......thus they could both open the cabinet and get the shotguns out but the firearms needed another key to remove the cable and thus access was resticted!


Ask your FEO see what they suggest and if something like i describe would be practical and passed?

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