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Really? thats strange as they always seemed to be busy when i was there (maybe people looking but not buying!)


Just checked the website and your right - is it a permenant close or is it just a temporary thing?


Damn going to have to find some other shooting place now :huh:





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im sure mally put a post up the otherday saying everything was 50% off as they were closing thursday or friday last that was, it no will no doubt reopen in another name in a week or two :laugh:

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In West Yorkshire, give REDBECK shooting shop a look-over. Great shop and good, helpful lads running it. Worth your custom.


Always sad to read of a gunshop going out of business. Guns International at Barnsley, sold up and gone. Dead On Target was a good and friendly little place out at South Kirkby. Now gone under; but, Euroguns were a rather pricey, large store which cost you a fair wedge in petrol getting there. And they could be a bit bloody arrogant to their customers. If they were not prepared to get competetive on prices and treat the customer with a bit more respect, in a recession like this, well, this is the result.



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Do they have a range there Simon?


they are 40 miles from my folks (i only visited euroguns to use the range when i visit the parents) I would use them if they had a range so i could spend a little time there.


i believe there is a range near masfield which Si visited but i dont know if there is a shop there.





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