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The Airgunners Co-Operative Ltd

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I think you're right Stevo and from what I have read of Mike's he's not the type of person to let a few obstacles get in the way. Comes accross very articulate and intelegent, certainly one of the bes

i think what it is lewis. if the rfd, sells a tin of pellets for £ 10 and makes £1 on it for every sale. then we come along and increase his sales by 400 percent on the understanding that he makes o

As half expected, ASI ltd turned down my account application on the grounds this 'consortium' is not yet incorporated. Fair do's. Is it worth incorporating? I'm not sure... A bit much for a guy who is

I would personally put it at a 90% of rrp so people will want to actually buy of use because we're cheaper than everyone else asin undercutting the competition keep our buyers and sellers happy then that 10% profit margin would be put back in to the business

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One potential avenue is the informal establishment of something along the lines of 'The Airgun Buyers League'. Basically a collaboration of buyers. Far less paperwork, but could wield clout thereby gaining the savings people are after.

The goods could be delivered to a members address. That member would then undertake the breaking down and distribution of the purchases. It could be a private affair, or utilising an existing business such as the RFD i'm in talks with. (Would need to discuss this with them)

This would not present a threat to existing businesses, rather an incentive to be more competitive with the potential of repeat custom....

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Ok, things are slowly morphing into shape.


Latest thoughts;


Talk of selling 'shares' takes you into Financial Services Authority land. Fine for an Industrial and Provident Society Co-Operative, but lets take things slow and keep it simple.


To start, I'm thinking the formation of a straight forward LTD company like 'The Airgun Buyers League Ltd'. This entity will represent its members and function as the buyer. By setting up a business account with an RFD (Stock and Tackle) I can put my money where my mouth is. I intend to place £200 into that account (possibly with £100 more a week for a while). That money will serve as floating capital to be spent on a product you guys elect through voting.


So, for instance, you chaps say "we want to buy pellets" ok, which ones? JSB Exacts ok. With the floating capital, the minimum order quantity can be met and the pellets bought in bulk. S&T (Stock and Tackle) buys the tins on our behalf and receives them at their address. You guys, who will have stipulated how many you require, will then be invoiced and have your order fulfilled and despatched by S&T at the price quoted on behalf of The Airgun Buyers League Ltd. As The Airgun Buyers League Ltd is non profit, the price will be further reduced.



For the purchase of guns, chaps with FAC's could potentially apply to be RFD's and agents of S&T. This would help save £30 odd charged by private RFD's. We could then build a network of The Airgun Buyers League ltd RFD's.


So Mr X wants a gun, we consult the database and the gun is sent to our Mr Y Of 'TABL' (The Airgun Buyers League) ltd who can nip round and deliver it satisfying legislation.


One thought is that a membership fee (would hope small i.e. £10) is charged to cover costs (which will be kept minimal) a website? and also provide a sustainable amount of floating capital to be put towards securing bulk orders. That amount or perhaps a percentage would perhaps be recovered when purchasing being as profit is not a controlling factor. (clarity on this bit to be thrashed out.)



I think thats it for now.


How does it sound so far?

Edited by milegajo
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Absolutely! Why bother at all?

Prices, one hopes. Hopefully, combined, we will have prices only open to large corporations.

Special deals.


PR. Once established, manufacturers may wish to provide members with samples of their latest offerings to review.

Lots of potential me thinks.

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So, consensus seems to be;


A £20 membership fee.

Membership initially limited to forum members. This may be useful until a dedicated website is up and running.

Consumables, pellets and co2 bulbs of primary interest.


Products to be investigated down the line;



Gunslips, (would a discounted accessory kit be in demand? You buy a gun, TABL ltd supply a bundle inc slip, scope, pellets, Lens Covers? Quality stuff, I don't like 'pap').

Pellet traps?

Targets, Paper/resettable.


Of course, the wide the range offered, the thinner spread the capital will be.


So, in order to get the ball rolling, would JSB exacts/AA field .22 be the most popular to go for? I'm told the MOQ (minimum order quantity) is 48 tins. I should have the funds ready in two weeks.


I will talk to Stock and Tackle to confirm, would potential members be happy for them to hold membership money for the time being?


Could a sub forum be created for The Airgun Buyers League Ltd? Could be called The Airgun Consortium Ltd instead. Not fussed. The latter sounds more snappy if not already taken.


Will PM all those who have openly expressed an interest to join.


This is progressing swiftly! Lets get it right...


Thank you all.


Mike J

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