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Free the Weed

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Leave the law as it is and stop jailing people for growing it ffs [bANNED TEXT] theirs far worst crimes commited and the culprits walk free but saying that crack and smack dealers no matter how big or

all drugs should be legal, least they could put tax on them and they could make them cheaper and cleaner, crime rates would go down! if people want to take them they will anyway!

Lets just wait and see..in another 20 years the nut wards will be overrun with old stone heads suffering bouts of phsycosis . The skunk available now is way more potent than it used to be and imo will

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I think if folk want to smoke pot fags and drink to excess then crack on but I think that they should be exempt from NHS care for treatment of health issues directly caused by there habits or pay a higher tax band to pay for there future care.



ATB Cookie

It would be extremely hypocritical to exempt smokers and drinkers from the NHS seeing how they contribute upwards of 10 billion and 14 billion quid each to the treasury each year. Just checked the figures..


I suspect the income of tax from alcohol and tobacco is many times greater than the burden from illnesses associated with them. Anyway to check?

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Lmao what utter shite.

Tell you what ban fags and drink. Then sit back and watch the demise of the nhs


Crack on I am on BUPA so no need for NHS for me,there be more coneys for us not smoking hunters as the smokers will not be kept alive but the NHS and the tax payer :whistling:



does that count the smoking tax paying people atb
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Free the weed !! Stoners never cause any bother compared to drunks and class.A type drug addicts. A blast from the past is hard to beat the odd time, drug abuse is a different scenario.

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

The replies read the world over there know need to call me a c??t its opinion try respecting others views and try being polite in disagreement of them opinions .


ATB Cookie

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

The boys over the boarder need to worry the most when scotland becomes seperate from england your income tax and health service , will not be able to cope with the scots huge drink and drugs adictions .


ATB Cookie

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im affraid thats rong! Some 1 not far from were i live smoked some for first time and collapsed and died this was only few weeks bak

What's to say it was the smoke?

cause it was on the news not so long back obviously, i didnt do my own ortopsy and came to conclusion he died of weed ffs

that is absolute bull mate he would have been the first in history cheack it out there has never even been 1 case of somebody dropen dead from weed fact dont be ruinning the thread with lies

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
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My opinion is people should be allowed to do what they want Aslong as it doesn't affect other people. If someone works all week and buys some weed to smoke and chill out on a weekend fair enough he's not hurting anybody but if some dole lite smack head breaks into a old couples house to steal a telly for his fix they should just be burnt or drowned.

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Sure it's just weed though wilf . Most of the wee chavs and neds that you see hanging around these days, have a bottle in thier hands. Also the ones I've seen granted have had a j in thier hand, but I assure you when you actually speak to then and look at them , well from expierence there a lot more than weed going on with thier current state lol

what pisses me off is when lads who are really well educated and bright smoke the rubbish, and they have got everything in life ready for them , a good up bringing and they start smoking crap and gradually start speaking slurry and look dopy all of a sudden . i feel like grabbing them and giving them a good shake. sad to see bright well spoken polite youngens

turn into slow lafargic down and outs, yeah man and all this shit . and if people smoke it on this site there dopes aswell.

so its ok if a young lad who has nothing going for him turns in to a doper then??


and as you say they are well educated so that says to me they know what they are doing its their choice at the end of the day!

drugs are a killer of bright futures . dont matter what colour you are all what your background is!...............

you will find that kids who have had a hard start to life often turn to drugs to get away from it all..........some kids have it on a plate and chuck it all away through drugs.........

i would think more of a person who has worked for there wealth and not been born into there wealth........

what im saying is people are trapped and turn to drugs through a bad start in life and people who have a better start in life choose to go down the drug road...........this is what puzzles me... some do it as they find it hard to cope with fame etc......... just baffles me why some turn to it

both cases are sad occurences, and i would always turn to help the one who turned to drugs through childhood problems and i would have no sympathy for the spoilt brats ........who do it. .........

malt i aint on know high horse people who smoke drugs have problems which becomes a bigger problem.............alchahol is the same it drains your pocket and your health.

i couldnt care if david cameron smoked it he would just go on the loosers list..........

fella i know what you mean! I just jumped on what you said as you did with my post, if some one takes a drug on a weekend it don't mean their life is f****d or their gonna be a bum, thats why i say all drugs are fine if you only have a little , even smack, if you have a smoke of it don't mean your gonna be a smack head, it don't mean your gonna die from having a smoke of it, but if you stick it in a pin and shoot it you've a better chance of topping yourself!

If drugs are made legal we would get rid of all the drug dealing scum if the gov price's them right!

, we would have money for drug treat meant from people buying legal drugs, would have less deaths as the drugs would be clean!


Now i'm not saying they should become legal over night , theirs alot of work to be done!

even the copper i talk to want it to become legal and thats on all drugs

if the gov plan it and talk to the people who know whats what ex users copper doctors drug worker we can do it right!

end of the day people will buy drugs no matter what if they want them legal or not!


one law to help them would be anyone court selling drugs after they are made legal gets life and life mens life!

your opionion is fair enough and i know why you jumped on me lol. but i thought you only needed abit of heroine then you could be hooked..........or crack...cocaine

in my opnion its down to each individual person,some people have addictive personalltys some dont!!
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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

How many have worked with drug addicts I have and can say that 99% of kids smoking weed move on to hard drugs .

The changed started in the 80s when parents did nowt to stop smoking by there kids and then drinking .

I moved away from where I grew up and all the lads smoking when I left in my teens have become smack heads living off mummy and daddy .

Where as the kids who where outside of the in groups are normal have good jobs and kids etc not everbody but a good percentage .



ATB Cookie

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