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Worlds fastest gutting technique?

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I did see one ages ago it was a couple of yanks doing it, he shook it first holding the head to try and make everything fall down towards the arse end then done exactly what you done.. I'm abit of a w

try doing that to a tough old buck..........................................

Tony move down south mate, we have good fast internet connections. We also have road lights (to show the route, not the sort you carry either), gas that is piped into our homes aswell as electricity.

Is there not a lot me chance the guts will burst inside and contaminate the meat doing it this way though??

It is definitely faster that way but when I was shown how to skin and gut bunnies I have always been told be carefull not to stab the intestines as it will ruin the meat??



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I did see one ages ago it was a couple of yanks doing it, he shook it first holding the head to try and make everything fall down towards the arse end then done exactly what you done.. I'm abit of a wimp when it comes to things like that,! I can skin and get them the normal way with the knife but don't know if I could bring myself to do it that way! Does look so much faster though.. And well done on the new video u n Si make a great team!

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surely once youve sliced the bunny open its as quick anything i can slice em gut them in no time but i suppose its different! each to there own tho so im not having a pop at any one -billy

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I guess the point to this method might be you can quickly gut the rabbit once shot and hook em on a tree or gate whilst you continue your shoot safe in the knowledge there is only a small hole where the guts exited the body to cut down on fly contamination. Especially I'd said rabbit is going in the pot.

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I use this method and it's so much quicker and easier while out in the field and It doesnt make your hands stink, the only downsides to it are the normally have to remove the stomach after when you get home and with fully grown bucks the may have to slice where the bulge is on the back legs



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In the time you have done that I would have had it skinned as well.


One cut under the rib cage, thumb in, pull down, opens the belly and takes the skin off, keep pulling skins the legs, turn it around pull the skin towards the head. remove head.


One skinned and gutted rabbit, in less that 15 secs.


Can't do the same with a hare, usually get cover in blood from them.

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