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biggest bag ;)

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right braggin time i'm in 'lol.

rebbits lamping with the airgun 83 in one night.

rabbits ferreting to shotgun 32 in one afternoon.

hares 6 in a morning airgunning.

squirrel's 12 in a morning airgunning.

magpies 27 in one night roost shooting with airgun hw80.

woodpigeons 54 in one night roost shooting with airgun rapid 7.

speed killing magpies 16 in under 5 min's out of a car window with airgun[ yes we had permision]

all legal british corvids in a morning' carrion crow,rook, jackdaw, magpie and jay.

i could go on but i think thats enough for now all true believe it or not i dont care..

what about these tommy :icon_eek:


Not illegal unless using a lamp ;)

refering to the numbers shot at roost mr1 shooting expert ;)
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right braggin time i'm in 'lol.

rebbits lamping with the airgun 83 in one night.

rabbits ferreting to shotgun 32 in one afternoon.

hares 6 in a morning airgunning.

squirrel's 12 in a morning airgunning.

magpies 27 in one night roost shooting with airgun hw80.

woodpigeons 54 in one night roost shooting with airgun rapid 7.

speed killing magpies 16 in under 5 min's out of a car window with airgun[ yes we had permision]

all legal british corvids in a morning' carrion crow,rook, jackdaw, magpie and jay.

i could go on but i think thats enough for now all true believe it or not i dont care..

what about these tommy :icon_eek:


Not illegal unless using a lamp ;)

refering to the numbers shot at roost mr1 shooting expert ;)

:laugh: I ain't a shooting expert mate but have to know my laws for the pest control work :thumbs:
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right braggin time i'm in 'lol.

rebbits lamping with the airgun 83 in one night.

rabbits ferreting to shotgun 32 in one afternoon.

hares 6 in a morning airgunning.

squirrel's 12 in a morning airgunning.

magpies 27 in one night roost shooting with airgun hw80.

woodpigeons 54 in one night roost shooting with airgun rapid 7.

speed killing magpies 16 in under 5 min's out of a car window with airgun[ yes we had permision]

all legal british corvids in a morning' carrion crow,rook, jackdaw, magpie and jay.

i could go on but i think thats enough for now all true believe it or not i dont care..

what about these tommy :icon_eek:


Not illegal unless using a lamp ;)

refering to the numbers shot at roost mr1 shooting expert ;)

:laugh: I ain't a shooting expert mate but have to know my laws for the pest control work :thumbs:

going by your earlier posts on shooting" ....." i beg to differ bear ;)
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right braggin time i'm in 'lol.

rebbits lamping with the airgun 83 in one night.

rabbits ferreting to shotgun 32 in one afternoon.

hares 6 in a morning airgunning.

squirrel's 12 in a morning airgunning.

magpies 27 in one night roost shooting with airgun hw80.

woodpigeons 54 in one night roost shooting with airgun rapid 7.

speed killing magpies 16 in under 5 min's out of a car window with airgun[ yes we had permision]

all legal british corvids in a morning' carrion crow,rook, jackdaw, magpie and jay.

i could go on but i think thats enough for now all true believe it or not i dont care..

what about these tommy :icon_eek:


Not illegal unless using a lamp ;)

refering to the numbers shot at roost mr1 shooting expert ;)

of coarse they were shot without a lamp :icon_eek: you try shooting maggies and woodies using a lamp :D you will shoot none all you';l do is clear the roost. go on a cloudy night with a bitta wind blowin and sillouhette shoot em :victory:
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your from ireland. lol. so your nobodys fool ... eh''' i told yez believe it ''or not. i dont realy care.

if i told yez about me best moments in shootin yez would cry and call me a liar. so i just give yez a quick rundown of it . then there ya go. the internet never get outta the fockin house hunter's are callin me a liar...lol. if yez got out more and did abit maybe youd have summat to bragg about ya'sen..

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your from ireland. lol. so your nobodys fool ... eh''' i told yez believe it ''or not. i dont realy care.

if i told yez about me best moments in shootin yez would cry and call me a liar. so i just give yez a quick rundown of it . then there ya go. the internet never get outta the fockin house hunter's are callin me a liar...lol. if yez got out more and did abit maybe youd have summat to bragg about ya'sen..

ach STOP it
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your from ireland. lol. so your nobodys fool ... eh''' i told yez believe it ''or not. i dont realy care.

if i told yez about me best moments in shootin yez would cry and call me a liar. so i just give yez a quick rundown of it . then there ya go. the internet never get outta the fockin house hunter's are callin me a liar...lol. if yez got out more and did abit maybe youd have summat to bragg about ya'sen..


Tbh it's the way you put your original post across that's caused the shit on this thread, and as it goes on your making yourself look like an even bigger tool than you did in the first place...

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