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phantom pregnancy........helpful advice

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i just thought i would ask on here for different peoples views and experiences..........

i have a terrier bitch here, and she'd be about 13 to 14 month old, she had her first season back in the end of march, after she came out of season her tits started swelling slightly, which i assumed was a phantom pregnancy, and thought that it would settle down and go back to normal in due course, but her tits are still swollen to date, and its been nearly 2 months or more now, so i was thinking about taking her to the vets on monday to see if there is anything that can be given to settle this condition down and bring everything back to normal, i have never had a bitch with this condition before, she seems well in herself and pretty normal,

so i was wondering if any of you have any info or tips on how to settle the problem, or how long does it usually last????




jay. :thumbs:

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I had exactly the same problem with Vixen my whippet bitch a few weeks ago mate, I tried everything i knew but it didn't help to dry her up so i asked skycat for her advice. She recommended http://www.dorwest.com/Catalogue/Homoeopathic-Remedies/Urtica-Urens-3C-THREE--100-pillules for dorwest herbs. I gave as advised on the tub along with altering her diet she was back to normal within a fortnight. It's now 4 weeks since and she's almost back to full fitness. Will save you a fortune at the vets mate.

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i just thought i would ask on here for different peoples views and experiences..........

i have a terrier bitch here, and she'd be about 13 to 14 month old, she had her first season back in the end of march, after she came out of season her tits started swelling slightly, which i assumed was a phantom pregnancy, and thought that it would settle down and go back to normal in due course, but her tits are still swollen to date, and its been nearly 2 months or more now, so i was thinking about taking her to the vets on monday to see if there is anything that can be given to settle this condition down and bring everything back to normal, i have never had a bitch with this condition before, she seems well in herself and pretty normal,

so i was wondering if any of you have any info or tips on how to settle the problem, or how long does it usually last????




jay. :thumbs:


my uncle has a staff bitch and she's about 7 or 8 now and she had them every season until he had her done, with you saying its been 2 months thats only 8 weeks so you've got another week cause they do the full cycle bar from having pups. they produce milk and everything.



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I had exactly the same problem with Vixen my whippet bitch a few weeks ago mate, I tried everything i knew but it didn't help to dry her up so i asked skycat for her advice. She recommended http://www.dorwest.c...0-pillules for dorwest herbs. I gave as advised on the tub along with altering her diet she was back to normal within a fortnight. It's now 4 weeks since and she's almost back to full fitness. Will save you a fortune at the vets mate.

thanks mally,

i will look into that.....




jay. :thumbs:

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A bitch who has pseudo pregnancies is likely to also be a repeat offender. You can prevent this with a licensed medicine called Raspberry Leaf Tablets, just give them from the start of the season for around 12 weeks.

Once a bitch is in a pseudo you have to let it run its course, but you can use products to help dry up the milk as Mally has recommended.


Good luck.

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A bitch who has pseudo pregnancies is likely to also be a repeat offender. You can prevent this with a licensed medicine called Raspberry Leaf Tablets, just give them from the start of the season for around 12 weeks.

Once a bitch is in a pseudo you have to let it run its course, but you can use products to help dry up the milk as Mally has recommended.


Good luck.


I've tried the Raspberry Leaf Tablets and they made no difference at all to Vixen. I used the Prevphan from canine Natural Cures for Vixen before, you give one tablet when there standing and one a week for 9 weeks and there was no sign of a phantum. The only reason i didn't use them on her last season is i'd bloody run out.!!

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I've not heard of that one Mally: I Googled it and it seems to be the same as Pulsatilla. What I want to know is does it actually stop the slackening of ligaments and softening of muscles post season? I appreciate that it may help with the mood changes and possible milk production, but does it stop all post season symptoms? My biggest bugbear with bitches and their seasons is the 2-3 months after a season when they are in no condition to work hard due to their muscle softeness.

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I've not heard of that one Mally: I Googled it and it seems to be the same as Pulsatilla. What I want to know is does it actually stop the slackening of ligaments and softening of muscles post season? I appreciate that it may help with the mood changes and possible milk production, but does it stop all post season symptoms? My biggest bugbear with bitches and their seasons is the 2-3 months after a season when they are in no condition to work hard due to their muscle softeness.


I was working Vixen 3 weeks out of season with no ill effects. :thumbs:

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I've not heard of that one Mally: I Googled it and it seems to be the same as Pulsatilla. What I want to know is does it actually stop the slackening of ligaments and softening of muscles post season? I appreciate that it may help with the mood changes and possible milk production, but does it stop all post season symptoms? My biggest bugbear with bitches and their seasons is the 2-3 months after a season when they are in no condition to work hard due to their muscle softeness.


I was working Vixen 3 weeks out of season with no ill effects. :thumbs:


It's not the first 3 weeks after a season that is the problem: the softening starts at around a month post season and gets worse and worse until about the 12th week when they come back into shape again: that's always been my experience with bitches of all types.

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I've not heard of that one Mally: I Googled it and it seems to be the same as Pulsatilla. What I want to know is does it actually stop the slackening of ligaments and softening of muscles post season? I appreciate that it may help with the mood changes and possible milk production, but does it stop all post season symptoms? My biggest bugbear with bitches and their seasons is the 2-3 months after a season when they are in no condition to work hard due to their muscle softeness.


I was working Vixen 3 weeks out of season with no ill effects. :thumbs:


It's not the first 3 weeks after a season that is the problem: the softening starts at around a month post season and gets worse and worse until about the 12th week when they come back into shape again: that's always been my experience with bitches of all types.


I know that as i said no ill effects. And she was working not holding rabbits in nets!!. Vixen never lost her shape. I know when a dogs not right and when to or not to run them, or at least i hope i do had dogs 27 years now

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Mally: I was in no way questioning your knowledge or skill: its just that I haven't had a single bitch that doesn't soften to some degree or another after a season, even the ones which are working hard. Maybe very lightly built dogs like Whippets are a bit different to more cloddy lurchers types. I had a very lightly built Saluki lurcher many years ago, and although she didn't look any different post season, she lost power in her muscles around the 7-9 week mark post season. She was fine for one run, but tired a lot more quickly. This phase lasted about 3-4 weeks then almost overnight she regained the strength in her muscles.

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I'll have to give that a spin next time my terrier is in season. She drops in once every six months and every time is at least 3 months untill she looks anywhere near fit! She goes from being 18lb to about 14-15lb, it can't be healthy to be gaining and loosing so much weight!

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