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Thongs for foot packs??

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Hi all,

I'm to understand that the length of a thong on a hunting whip depends on how tall your horse is as it is use to trail along side as you ride to remind hounds to keep away from your horses hoofs.

My question is, what length thong do you lads use as foot packs and why?

All the best,


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Well wilfs thongs are huge due to the abuse his arse gets!! Having said that mine was about 4ft at my last place so I can't talk, lol.. As long as it makes a crack then it's neither here nor there imo

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well if your on an oss,you,d be at least 6ft up, id say thats why, but if your on foot a long thong would need to be rolled up, beaglers carry shorter whips, suppose it speaks for itself, its only an aid to control hounds, you dont want to be dragging it through the mud and getting it recked.

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Hi all,

I'm to understand that the length of a thong on a hunting whip depends on how tall your horse is as it is use to trail along side as you ride to remind hounds to keep away from your horses hoofs.

My question is, what length thong do you lads use as foot packs and why?

All the best,


simple short thong wrap around your body when not in use and easy to crack
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