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3 shots 3 kills

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ayup lads!


been out for a couple of hours after work.


going to keep it short and sweet lol got 3 squirrels all great clean 1 shot headshots :yes:


first one was about 20 yds away facing down on a trunk, i was standing but then i couldnt get steady enough so i had to kneel down in a bunch of waist high nettles. :blink:20ishydsfacing.jpg


second one was in a very 'high traffic' 'squirrely' area of the permission.. i was going to cross a small clearing and it moved, about 5-8 yds away! it was about 10 feet up and i guessed the hold under just right lol. it was hanging on by its back leg for about 30 secs until its nerves stopped , blood literally p**sing out of its head allover the place then it dropped with a right thud head first.5-8ydssneaky.jpg


and last but definately not least was the best shot of the 3, and probably my best shot with this 97kt so far. i was kneeling near a tree and could hear it running about in the trees but it stopped. so i sat near the tree in my preffered most comfy position and waited. sure enough after about 2 mins it jumped into a really bushy tree and reveled itself :bye:. then i got it in the sights and it sat nicely for me, steady away.. judged it to be a bit further than zero so i gave it a bit of holdover about 1 mildot and felt happy and confident aboout the shot. the wind seemed to have totaly stopped so i was good to go. squeezed the trigger and.. boom with a right 'crack' the squirel started its decent towards the ground, dead as a door nail. after i seen it drop i got out the rangefinder and it read 45 yards. well happy with that one :D . went over and had a look an turns out i hit it in the ear (the pellet hole near its eye was to finish it off, make sure. :thumbs:45YDSEAR.jpg


was a good few hours on a nice afternoon with good shots and now im having a strongbow or 3 to celebrate my good long ranger (for me 45 yds is very good shot)

all the best lads . happy hunting


p.s. heres what i did over the weekend when it was absolutely BOUNCING it down. lol. was going to make it proper epic but i couldnt be bothered to go kill loads of squids for the black wool dye. ah well.20120622_194030.jpg

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Was a nice day so i didnt want to waste it! Lol.


Mawders, its not that big of a permission and there arent that many squirrels there.. never get a shot at birds and theres no rabbits. i need to find some new permission


Lukehunt.. ive hardly played it. just got bored when it was chuckinv down with rain for 3 days straight :/


so as you see from my recent posts about my outings all i seem to get is squirreels. need some rabbiting land il have to get out on a mission to find some haha

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Well in Skot.


Good shooting pal.


I really enjoyed reading that I could visualise it very easily.




haha like i said it was a short write up lol. could have gone into a lot more detail but im not too fast at typing.. and you would have all been reading it all day lol. going to do my pellet test soon now hes had about 3000 through. got 7 pellets to test but i recon jsb and air arms will be best.


Just wondering. i was thinking do 25, 30, 35 and 40 yards 5shot groups when i do the comparisons.. i have 20 of each pellet bagged up ready for it. just need to adjust my scope first and give barrel a good clean. then re-lead it whilst i chrono and re zero it ready for 'the pellet test'

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