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Are you MAD ???????   You are both looking at a place in in HM hotel posting that on here ! I'd beg a Mod to take the topic off as you are proberbly breaking site rules as well perverting the cours

If you are a member of basc, get them phoned ASAP, if not get legal advice, the ammo should of been locked in safe.

You could say you put the ammo in your coat to go out lamping yourself and as you were getting your rifle out he had come in and took your coat by mistake.

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The answer i'm affraid is YES you could lose your FAC. Hope you don't !


But BASC might not help as if you read the small print your insurance do's NOT cover you for illegal acts. They should still advise you but i think you will have to pay for private legal assistance.


Atb Coldweld

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who goes lamping with 6 bullets?

just say it aint your coat


He could of had a box of 50 in his trouser pocket and put half a dozen in his coat pocket to get easily.

Just a suggestion, I was only trying to help, at the end of the day he is responsale for keeping the ammo safe in the eyes of the law and he didn't, I would think the least he should do is have an explanation of how the mistake happened.

We have all probably left bullets in coats but unfortunately he has been found out.

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who goes lamping with 6 bullets?

just say it aint your coat


They'll check the batch numbers mate

theres no batch numbers on 22 rounds its on the box :laugh:


Then where does his son say he got bullets from, I would think it would be best to tell the truth with a plausable explanation, but I would definatly seek legal advice before I said anything to the police.

After all it's a honest mistake that can be explained, if you start lying it could make things worse, your prints will be all over them anyway.

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who goes lamping with 6 bullets?

just say it aint your coat


They'll check the batch numbers mate

theres no batch numbers on 22 rounds its on the box :laugh:


Then where does his son say he got bullets from, I would think it would be best to tell the truth with a plausable explanation, but I would definatly seek legal advice before I said anything to the police.

After all it's a honest mistake that can be explained, if you start lying it could make things worse, your prints will be all over them anyway.

no point in telling nothing but the truth he took the coat and the rounds must have fallen out the box when his dad was wearing it :whistling: bollocking, job done :thumbs:
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