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Would you let your dogs take on this boar?

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It's real alright. Another article on it ran in our local newspaper sports section this morning. Looks even more impressive in the picture 'cause that's an 11 year old lad leaning on it, although it wouldn't look that much smaller if it was a 250 lb man. :laugh:


Seems he was using one of the Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum Revolver which packs a punch similar to the old standby 45/70 or a good 12 ga rifled slug. Not a round or a handgun to trifle with. The gun will handle just about any game on earth. Frankly, I'm more impressed that an 11 year old could handle the gun than the game. :hmm: Additionally, he had two adults standing by with high-powered rifles as back-up (probably a good move :yes: ).


For more on the gun and caliber:






My nephew has one, and I'd sooner carry and shoot a decent rifle than that thing.

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Let's not forget...this is America...have you seen the size of some of them..Has he shot a Texan tourist?

Just a thought.

Looks genuine to me, as Hog has mud and straw on it.Fakes are usually too clean looking.

In any case i agree.."FOOKIN ELL"!! :)

No one is saying it isn't a big pig, but its a f*****g domestic pig, thats as queer a hunt as you can get for christ sake.

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I've been posting on this, and predicted what it was: a tame farm hog that was put in a pen and shot by a punk kid and his punk father (who is, ironically enough grossly fat himself).


This is about as pathetic as it gets in the world of hunting.


The pig was named "Fred" and he used to play with his first owner's small children. He was shot at a canned hunt a few days after he was sold off, supposedly to be bred to a couple of female hogs. Instead he was chased around a pen for 3 hours by a fat kid with a gun far too big for him to be able to use. The result: a maimed pig that spent 3 hours in unnecessary agony.


For more, see >> http://terriermandotcom.blogspot.com/search/label/hogzilla


For the record, we have MILLIONS of real wild pigs in the US, but they only rarely exceed 300 pounds in the wild. Farm hogs, on the other hand, routinely top 700 and 800 pounds, and there is an over-1,000 pound farm hog in every state (and a 1,600 pounder less than a day's drive from my house).


Bottom line: this was a big hog (maybe 600-700 pounds), but it is is not a wild hog and it was not hunted -- ity was penned and then slaughtered. The photo does not show the true size of this farm pig -- the picture has been faked up with a bit of forced perspective. What you have here is a not hunting, but a pathetic thing and an embarassment to the true hunting community.




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