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Oh well after three weeks of keeping Cadno going I had to make the choice for him as his internal organs decided enough was enough.

This little red terrier was only four weeks old when we got him due to the mother dying I had already picked my black and tan dog Teg out of the litter at three weeks only to receive a phone call the following week saying the bitch had died and we could pick our pup up and take our chances or he was going to put them all down, this was the night we had received the keys to our first house so off me and the missus went to collect him only to find him and this little red dog the only survivors all the others had died and being sure of the fate of Cadno if we left him we ended up with both we spent two weeks moving house and feeding the pups every two hours by syringe day and night while holding down full time jobs. But it was worth it at ten weeks when they had there first jabs and then the second lot and out on the leads they went I felt really good me and the missus had just bought our first house pulled two pups from deaths door (the vet thought we did not have a hope of keeping them alive) and then a week later our first christmas in our new house. Now jump forward seventeen months, three weeks ago after a wander with all the dogs we drove home only to open the van up to find cad couldn't stand up so straight to the local vets house as this was at 22:00 hours he took cad in over night and we had an MRI scan the following morning to determine what was wrong, he had an embellism on his spinal chord that made him loose the use of all his legs. But there was hope he had a 50/50 chance of recovering fully anyway a week ago we still had no improvement but he wasn't in pain so we had another MRI only to be told that it had got no better or worse so after this week we were going to have another but last night I spent three hours in the vets as cad had started to whine in pain then he gave up so I did what I dreaded and had him PTS I had to this little fella had given me 110% in his short life I owed it to him to do the right thing. Hope this makes sense, I will read it again when my heads a bit clearer and edit it as neccesary.

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