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What a disappointment, i started the Vid in my back yard this morning at 0500, then shot off to pick up Alan W, Alan B couldn't make it as he was in Scunthorpe for the weekend. I got to AW at 0530, then in the entrance to the field by 0540, walking down the path we saw several Rabbits on the path but couldn't take a shot as the guns were in their slips. we were also carrying other bits and bats, due to not being able to get the 4x4 down to the field. the gate was locked. we got to the edge of the field wear we parked the vehicle on Wednesday evening and two Rabbits were sat their, but they were off as they saw us first. I went to the right field and Alan to the left, i could not get set up fast enough as there was a Rabbit out just as i approached a tree for cover which was on a bend 30 yards from the Rabbit. I had no sooner got the gun out of the slip than it scarpered, anyway i got into the wheat field when i say in its actually on the tram lines that the tractors use when spraying, Id been sat their roughly 20 minutes when a reasonably sized Rabbit came out, had the camera mounted on the top of the Scope took aim missed low and in front what the hell i thought, this is the polite version. Wandering how i could miss at 30 yards when i took one on Wednesday evening at 40 yards was beyond me, then i realized i was set low to the top of the wheat field on aligning the barrel to the position the Rabbit was sat, i had clipped the wheat hears deflecting the pellet away from the Rabbit. all i can say in my defense is that I'm 65 years old and must be getting passed it. to make a stupid mistake like that cost me the Rabbit just as well that i didn't hit it and wound it thats one good thing. After that just a few pint potters as i call them very small Rabbits came out one feeding just fifteen yards behind me which you'll see in the Vid. then about the same yardage as i saw the little one, 3 larger Rabbits came out as i turned to see them they shot off. up to this time about 35 minutes had passed, but by then the wind had got stronger and had turned completely round, i could see rain clouds in the area were Alan lives, then the heavens opened that was it i dashed for cover under the trees sat about ten minutes with no sign of it stopping i rang Alan, we then packed up the rain had eased enough to walk back to the car. Met Alan at the corner of the field he'd got a decent sized Rabbit, but he had gutted and skinned it so i did not get it on camera it was still raining anyway. So what i thought was going to be a good few hours ended as about an hour tops, and a complete wash out but theirs always another day: Dave


Edited by hotshot2me
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Hi Dave,


Great efforts there buddy :thumbs: .


Shooting and filming in perfect calm conditions is hard enough on its own if your using some sort of tripod so in a wind I can imagine is a real task in itself mate.


Good on you for leaving the babies if you have no need to shoot them buddy :yes: your a real sportsman :thumbs: .


Hopefully you will get them the next time when the weather is a lot better pal.



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Thanks for appreciating the efforts, it did end up rather rough, i won't take the little uns unless forced to as the damage is already done can't see as it matters now but they'll be their in a few weeks time and ready for the pot, got to do some crop protection on cabbages early next week with shotties if weather allows, don't mind wind for that but rain's crap: Dave

Edited by hotshot2me
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