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Stick me down for one too.


What about 3 dogs and a child? In a5 size? I'm aware it would be more expensive etc but that's not a problem for a good piece of work. Could you do that?


When your ready to take commissions then please get in touch with me. A friend of mine is coming to take

Some good quality photos of my dogs and my young son once the pups grown a bit and I would like one of the ones he takes drawn up.


I'm wanting it bigger than a4 to stick up in the living room in a nice frame.


Good luck and please get in touch.



You mean a3 size a5 is smaller than a4


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Thankyou! I don't think I have too many photos of dogs I have drawn recently, as birds of prey is my main forte. I do however have one recent example... Probably not the type of dog you lot will wan

I have a work in progress of a since completed piece on my hard-drive, will stick it up here tomorrow. I did facial expressions last year for my art project so I got a lot of practice, and depending o

Stick me down for one too.   What about 3 dogs and a child? In a5 size? I'm aware it would be more expensive etc but that's not a problem for a good piece of work. Could you do that?   When your r

your work is unbelievable for such a young age i am really interested in having one done so please get in touch when your health picks up also can you do action sketch of my dog running a rabbit atb

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Stick me down for one too.


What about 3 dogs and a child? In a5 size? I'm aware it would be more expensive etc but that's not a problem for a good piece of work. Could you do that?


When your ready to take commissions then please get in touch with me. A friend of mine is coming to take

Some good quality photos of my dogs and my young son once the pups grown a bit and I would like one of the ones he takes drawn up.


I'm wanting it bigger than a4 to stick up in the living room in a nice frame.


Good luck and please get in touch.




Certainly I can do an A3 piece for you- a group photograph like that will certainly challenge me and I look forward to broadening my horizons! I will be in touch when I feel I am ready to take on some more work. :)


Aye, i'll have one.


I'll be in touch when my pile of work is reduced somewhat and this headache gets gone! :D


your work is unbelievable for such a young age i am really interested in having one done so please get in touch when your health picks up also can you do action sketch of my dog running a rabbit atb



I should think I can do that for you, and will be in touch when I open the floodgates on all these requests. :p

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I also have a second that is just asking to be done, you could also use this as a reproduction print (if you want to get into that ask me, I used to be in the printing game, so could help you get started)...




By God that may be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Okay, girly squee moment aside, ( :D) I would be happy to do that for you and am very interested in the printing side of things! If it's ok I will get in touch with you as and when I am feeling better and have the time to shoulder a few more requests. Would that be ok? :D


OK by me! I know how to get to both routes (litho and digital), also know the spec, acid free paper, weight of paper, light fast ink, destruction of plate/jpeg after print run etc etc...

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