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A friend of mine is really good at drawing and she has asked me to find out if any members of this site would be interested in pencil sketchings of their Dogs, birds of prey, chinchilla, whatever. Always see people looking for 'Tattoo ideas' aswell and she may be able to design some or copy an image in pencil for you. Basically just getting an idea of a market for her as she already has a few waiting to be drawn :)

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Thankyou! I don't think I have too many photos of dogs I have drawn recently, as birds of prey is my main forte. I do however have one recent example... Probably not the type of dog you lot will wan

I have a work in progress of a since completed piece on my hard-drive, will stick it up here tomorrow. I did facial expressions last year for my art project so I got a lot of practice, and depending o

Stick me down for one too.   What about 3 dogs and a child? In a5 size? I'm aware it would be more expensive etc but that's not a problem for a good piece of work. Could you do that?   When your r

A friend of mine is really good at drawing and she has asked me to find out if any members of this site would be interested in pencil sketchings of their Dogs, birds of prey, chinchilla, whatever. Always see people looking for 'Tattoo ideas' aswell and she may be able to design some or copy an image in pencil for you. Basically just getting an idea of a market for her as she already has a few waiting to be drawn :)


How much mate?

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Hi everyone, this is me... Scott's friend. :D


I'm 17 years old and later this year might give paid commissions a go, mainly to help pay for hawk supplies. I have been having some health issues, namely intense and very prolonged headaches (5 weeks and counting with this one) which can make it difficult to draw. Friends who I owe work have been understanding but I will not be taking on any paid work until I can be sure that I can dedicate to each piece the time that it needs.

My work tends to be A4, and I work in 12 grades of pencil. Each drawing can take 6-10 hours at least and sometimes longer. At the point I am now at I improve with every piece and in a few years I hope to be competent enough to offer paid work regularly.

Thanks to Scott for posting this thread for me and allowing me to gauge interest.


Here is a recent work in progress, started earlier this week, of a harris hawk. 2-3 hours (a study period and a free at school... :p) as it stands and very very early days. Excuse the quality of the image, as I am lacking a scanner and have to take photos of my drawings- which rarely does them justice.


I wasn't sure what prices to put on my work. I believe around £20-£30 for a detailed piece is reasonable enough, although I am open to advice on the matter.


Thanks again Scott ;)


Regards, Libby




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brilliant work so far :thumbs: do you have any drawings of dogs that youve done?


Thankyou! :)

I don't think I have too many photos of dogs I have drawn recently, as birds of prey is my main forte. I do however have one recent example... Probably not the type of dog you lot will want me to draw at all. :D

I have since finished this piece and will update with recent images soon. The camera once again saps the quality of the drawn image. I will get up a better quality image of the drawing soon and show it at its best.





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Well Libby, you certainly have a eye for detail :yes: . and at 17 the worlds your oyster, hope you have every success in the future.As for the headaches my 21yr old son use to suffer for days on end, mainly after a intense sketching session (must be a arty thing) the hospital put it down to too much concentration whilst painting/sketching ect. let us know how things go..i might have a beautifull little spar i need you to draw for me :thumbs: .

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