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T.H.L Air gun section meet,5,6,7,October 2012

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hi lads/lasses,glad you all got home safe.hope every had a good time' was great to catch up with the old gang,and great to meet new faces. a big thankyou to everyone that made the soggy meet,you are

The members of this section that attended were supporting Treat4BritishTroops.   They managed to raise a staggering £1100 along with the proceeds from The Rise of the Verminators charity DVD, so wel

Just a sign of how genuine everyone at the meet was/is, as everyones prized possesions were often left lying around unattended .... like darryl's panther left out in the dark...and his R10! haha   A

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Pay no attention to Davy-he's obviously drunk and foolish lol...


The 80's the mutts nuts Andy, I'll put a post up in the week to properly sing it's praises bud, but in the meantime, thanks very much mate


Cheers, Wurz

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Well I aint going now that Zini's bottled it. He knew I would have won all the shooting comps with my Sandwell tuned Gat pistol fitted with a gas ram cylinder off the landing gear of a retired Boeing 747, :whistling: I admit the recoil took a bit of getting used to hence my need to wear running spikes which does stop me sliding back a couple of feet on firing but the accuracy is something else! Mind you my neighbours dont enjoy the sonic boom that occurs each time I pull the trigger :blink: Thats why I was looking forward to shooting it out in the wilds of gloucestershire with no near houses to complain about the noise. So to the rest of you hardy souls enjoy yourselves and I recon Si would have had a difficult job beating Pianoman, Davy, Me,and the rest of you fellers. Enjoy yourselves. Cheers. :toast:

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Alright lads , I'll be there in a few hours after the kids are sorted . Do I need to bring any extras I.e fire lighters or maybe the that great big golden thing that's gracing these Oxfordshire skies :laugh: :laugh: see you soon lads :thumbs:

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Not bottled it lads. I was winding you all up. I've been at the meet since 2pm yesterday.


Wouldn't miss it for the world.


It's another first class meet lads.



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Ha, Ha, Ha, You know I was only Joking Si, you should have said "It's a very damp first class meet" Si. Jeeze I made the 84 mile trip down today and got there at 12.20 PM. My heart sank when I realised the whole field was badly muddied up and I should have bought my Wellies with me. despite that it was a excellent multi target set up and there was some great shooting being displayed. It was nice putting a face to some of the forum names and having the craic with some of them. I had to leave a couple of hours ealier than I thought as I phoned my wife who is getting over her umteeth operation which was only 2 weeks yesterday and found she was feeling ill. I got back home in a good time, and totted up the mileage and fuel costs to just spend a hour on site! OUCH. still the weather was kind a good job looking at the damp clothing being dried on the various car bonnets and roofs. that must have been a huge deluge as the farm just down the road was displaying wet clothing on the walls and gates, presumably worn by the farm workers yesterday. I hope the gang have a dry night and good weather tomorow. Cheers, Ron. :yes:


edited because I spelt "dried" wring, erh I mean rong,no, rung,oh sod it , inkoreckie! :whistling::cray:

Edited by Tron
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Friday night, as the rain drummed its soothing rhythm on the roof of my caravan, and my eyes were drooping from the cosy warmth radiated by wood burner, I successfully wrestled off the urge to post a taunt on here about who had the most comfortable digs now!! :whistling:

I felt good and saintly about that. :angel:


I arrived around 09:30 today to see Glastonbury fused with the Somme, with plenty of armed camo clad fellas to complete the WW1 recreation. Out in no-mans land were various candidates worthy of annihilation. Having come unarmed (I couldn't choose between my babies), Davyt63 quickly offered me his superb TX200hc so I could join the action. The Vermin Sniper was already hard at work keeping back the hordes of rats, corvids and numerous, particularly vicious looking spinners, with superb shot placement. I don't think he stopped until well past 12:30, his tin of H&N's seemingly inexhaustible.




It was a pleasure indeed to make the acquaintance of Wurz, Phantom, Skot, Tron, Si, Darryl, Chaz, Davy, to name but a few.


A good time appeared to be being had by all....








PICT0175.jpgClash of the Titans...




More to follow...

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Looks like you could have done with a few barrels...you could have made a decent rafft with the wooden pallet's....Who's the chubby guy in the green T shirt with the funny hair do :unsure:




Marty :thumbs:


He's Zini's brother, 'Pi', drafted in for publicity events. Hehe.

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Another great meet, thanks to everyone who attended and made the effort, even though the rain came down it didn't dampen our spirits.... We drank them neat!


Look forward to the 2013 meet :thumbs:





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