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Advice Please

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Oh lovely job! What did the worm look like? Size/colour?


Really hope your Jills problem is just some unwanted guests. Not wanting to tread on your vets toes but if the problem is a significant worm burden (big belly), once you worm her she might crap out a lot of the nasty creatures. This could cause pain/distress for her, best to ease that with something to lubricate the intestines. I'd recommend Ferrets Formula, just in the normal recommended daily dose a day or two before and after worming.


If she is packed with worms, they might have caused damage in her intestines etc, again the A/D is ideal, but she might need it for a bit longer to help her recover, easy to digest but plenty of calories/nutrition. Just my penceworth, your (new) vet is the best one to chat that over with.


Let us know how she fares. ATB.

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I bought Panacur 10% 10 ml Liquid Dog/Cat from the vets on prescription giving 0.25ml a day for fours days then treating them again in a months time to make sure all gone, doing all three of my ferrets just to make sure it goes completely. As two of my ferrets are under 800g it meant that I could not use the granules, malt paste, spot on or tablets so this was the only one they had at my vets suitable for my Jills.


Worm was very small, white, looked like a tiny maggot, though defo not a maggot as poo patrol involved me waiting outside until she went so it was nice and fresh...Lovely! :)


Been keeping an eye on her she still seems pretty happy, eating well, been giving her ferret formula, and the high calorie tinned stuff and she is not feeling quite as boney and sharp so hopefully things are looking up- though haven't seen a mass of worms in her poo yet-she's been on her treatment for three days.


My old vets was in Bournemouth where I study, but I'm back in Cheltenham so I took her to the vets that are part of the animal shelter and they seem to know more about ferrets and its cheaper only about £14 for a vet consultation and only £4 for the 10ml of worming treatment. (I paid £35 for a vets consultation in Bournemouth)


Thanks for the advice,


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