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I have around 9000 acres of prime shooting, and o Tues i went out to one of my permissions just 2 miles from my home in Castleford, set off at 04.00 with one of my mates Alan W. got to the Farm about 4.05 not wanting to wake anyone i parked about 60 yards from the house, we got ourselves ready and walked up passed the house, behind the house is a large paddock. We have seen a few Rabbits on several occasions but never been able to get any ware née them as the approach is slightly uphill with the Rabbits looking down on you with hardly any cover to approach from. As you can imagine this makes things a little difficult, their are a few trees on the right of the path, so as it was my turn to take the first shot i stuck tight upsides the trees to try to blend in. This i did quite successfully until i came to a large gap in the tree line. Wondering what the hell to do now i looked for some cover on the Paddock side, spotted a large clump of high grass so bent as low as i could, not easy to do when your 65 over weight, and have Arthritis, managed to get to the fence undetected but that was it no more cover. Took out the range finder and lased the distance 60 yards. having confidence in the BSA Scorpion SE .177 took the shot killed it stone dead with a head shot 1/2" behind the right eye, that was the only shot we had rest of the morning as the fields were so over grown we could not see other Rabbits close enough to take a shot. sorry no Vid /Pics as i need to get the gun set up with the camera, hopefully next time. Now onto Wednesday evening, wed morning i got a phone call from my other mate Alan B, did we want to have a look at some fields that he had been spraying on Tues, Alan B helps out on a Farm driving the heavy machinery. I'll explain that these particular fields have been attacked by Rabbits and when i say attacked a suave of wheat had been chomped 3 yards deep by 100 yards now that a lot of Rabbits. this was only a fleeting visit just to check it out so that when Alan B was not with us we could go on our own. We got their at 19.45, i took my Scorpion, and Both Alan's took shotguns we hadn't been out of the car 2 minutes than Alan B shot a Rabbit, well Rabbits scattered every ware. Wo i thought this is going to be fun, i set up at the side of the Wheat field in Waite wasn't long before i had the first Bunnie in the bag a 40 yard head shot did the trick. another shot rang out another Rabbit i thought, any way i could not get settled Rabbits running out then back in again due to a few more shotgun blasts ringing out, we had only been their 30 minutes, and walking up behind me came both Alan's with two Rabbits each anyway left it at that and made for home 5 Rabbits between us. Can't Waite for weather to break to get back for a few hours at it with Air Rifles i hope, will have to get the camera sorted for next time: Dave

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Thanks all, i have two very good friends that i shoot with on a regular basis, and lots of other friends that i shoot with when decoying pigeons for the company i control vermin for, when numbers are needed, they are always guaranteed shooting through the year: Dave

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  On 21/06/2012 at 18:11, mileage said:

9000 acres. Nine THOUSAND acres! My pathetic little mind cannot even begin to comprehend it. 'Vast', is about the best it can come up with...


It wasn't easy at first attaining all the acreage, i have, had 250 acres permission behind my house straight out of my back gate, this as been handed to me through the family since i was 12 yo, i went to school with the present farmer we were friends at school. then 18 months ago after being knocked back over the years on a particular permission 2 miles away, the son now runs the farm and when asking him 18 months back he gave it me straight away 1000 acres. have not looked back since purely through name dropping the farms that i shoot on, and it just keep coming, this happens once you get started: Dave

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The weather is supposed to be better on Monday, if so we're off back for an early morning session, and hopefully I'll have the camera mounted on the Scorpion by then so will do a Video. If the Rabbits are out in the same numbers as wed night we should do well, i want the others to take the Air Rifles not the shotties, we'll keep them out longer instead of scattering them all over the place, fingers crossed: Dave

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If i got a call tomorrow granting me permission to that acreage...I think i'd have a hard time not grabbing my gun and running naked as a baby laughing and screaming until my legs and lungs gave out leaving me crumpled in a shivering pale white pile mumbling crap about rabbits...

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  On 22/06/2012 at 07:10, milegajo said:

If i got a call tomorrow granting me permission to that acreage...I think i'd have a hard time not grabbing my gun and running naked as a baby laughing and screaming until my legs and lungs gave out leaving me crumpled in a shivering pale white pile mumbling crap about rabbits...


I would be right behind ya brother!

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  On 22/06/2012 at 08:53, Mawders said:
  On 22/06/2012 at 07:10, milegajo said:

If i got a call tomorrow granting me permission to that acreage...I think i'd have a hard time not grabbing my gun and running naked as a baby laughing and screaming until my legs and lungs gave out leaving me crumpled in a shivering pale white pile mumbling crap about rabbits...


I would be right behind ya brother!


Not if i'm a naked pile of blubbering flesh! I love ya but not that much...

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