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bitch hit a barb wire fence

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jesus boys are ya goin wrap them in cotton wool they are working dogs buy yourself a stapler your goin to need it

only a scratch that she will learn

we have a winner lol

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i thought they had banned anyone putting that shit down if wasnt above a certain height??

It is supposed to be a certain height Paul but it does not stop a local steel company from placing it on ground level around part of a perimeter fence..i have seen 2 dog's shredded on the stuff while chasing fox's..and cut my hand's on one of them trying to untangle a dog..

aye its gotta be 6..1/2 ft and thats from the bottom, i'd be getting on to your local council, no need for it any lower, and with dogs getting smashed up they could get a canny fine and the vets bills

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dogs are for working, they do there job and you should do your job on making it safe for them as best you can , at the end of the day i would look after any man who worked for me,shame about alot of employers lol...........................

it amazes me when idiots run there dogs by busy roads and lamp around machinery...........they deserve respect for running there hearts out for us and especially the table

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i thought they had banned anyone putting that shit down if wasnt above a certain height??

It is supposed to be a certain height Paul but it does not stop a local steel company from placing it on ground level around part of a perimeter fence..i have seen 2 dog's shredded on the stuff while chasing fox's..and cut my hand's on one of them trying to untangle a dog..

you would of thought they would of learnt the first time a dog was ran ................ . was it the same place. ......

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ffs i run where i wont when i wont if you lot have a prblem with that tough i would rarther not have vet bills accidents happen i no that but thats the way i run my dogs don't care how you lot run yorse its non of my buisnes i am only botherd about my dogsand thats the way i run mine i have said it before i will say it again there is hardly any of wire where i run what is there i stay away from due to my dogs having bad tangles with it its comen sense the rabbits what are near the wire i shoot

each to his own i suppose
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mine got caught a week past saturday it healed so i took him out on saturday past and the little f****r ripped it open again and gave himself a bigger one105_0759.jpg

i would staple that.... cost nothing to do, i avoid vets like the plauge

the tear is nearly healed now mate i have been spraying him with cut heal and its nearly closed already i have a stapeler but i didnt think he needed it but thanks for the advice anyway :thumbs:
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