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FAC Application - Advice Please

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I think you have probably had most of your questions answered, but just in case, there is a really helpful and informative document on the BASC website about how to apply for your FAC. They also have them for shotguns etc. I know when I sent my application in a few years back it really helped me, it talks you through each and every question:




Hope that helps





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Just to add, none of my land is passed, as such, I have an open FAC and the FLO just asked where I was useing them and decided those locations were OK.


Do English FLO`s actually visit the land being passed and decide ? what is there criteria?

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Not sure Rake,


I know that when I had a 'closed' FAC no-one came out and checked the land I had permission over. Like you I have an open FAC so I can shoot wherever I have authority and I deem safe.


I too have never heard of this seven year rule. I am assuming that Police have a database or some maping that shows what is suitable. Perhaps they have to come out if there has been any matterial changes to the land around your permission like as housing development or such.

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Jonathan, someone will have come out and carried out a land check on your land. It might well have been checked before you used it for your application (unless you've held your certificate for many years)


The Scottish system makes far more sense. We all know there is no such thing as "safe" or "unsafe" ground, so whatever criteria they apply is pretty meaningless. I managed to persuade an FEO to approve 6 acres for .243, but that took persuasion and me persuading him that I was more than capable of not pulling the trigger if the shot was unsafe.

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Matt, I agree, I am sure that all land is vetted prior to approval. That is why I was suggesting that the police must have a database or a mapping system of where they deem safe.


I also agree that I think Scotland has a much more sensible system. Having said that, in most areas of Scotland there is not the density of population that is prevelant in England which procludes allowing people with little or now prior experience being granted open tickets. To qualify my statement, we don't generally have the large unpopulated areas enjoyed in Scotland.


As has been said before, I do not think the way that fire arms legislation is adminstered in the uk is 'fit for purpose'. There is nothing wrong with the law persay, the issue is with the uneveness with which it is administered.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I had my interview and all went well. No problems about the .243 either but they said I would need a mentor to go out with me until they (the mentor) thought I was ok to go out on my own. There was no timespan or number of outings specified so my mentor just needs to write a letter when they think I am safe to go it alone. I have no problems with this whatsoever and couldnt have been happier about the way the interview went. Now I just need to work out how much money that I dont have I can scrape together to fund the 2 rifles. Looks like its beans on toast and no beer for a while!!

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