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Starting with ferrets

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I started last year, hears how I went about it:


Got myself 2 Jills from a rescue (wouldnt do it again) one had to be sent to the sky as it was an utter b*****d and the other is coming good after a year. Get your self a couple from someone who has bred a litter that have been well handled and not nippy.


Dont settle for anything less! When I got mine I thought I would be able to get them friendly after a while, one I have the other I couldnt.


Make sure you get a pair of friendly ones, it makes things sooooo much easyier, you wont have to worry about picking them up etc, you will actually be able to learn about them.


I got myself a 2 teir Rabbit hutch of ebay for about 50 quid, Bedding etc a few toys and tubes. Started of feeding dry food, came to my senses and realised it was shit and have fed fresh raw meat since and its much better :good: Thanks Rainmaker and Ditch shitter, there the ones who convinced me lol!


To be honst there very easy to keep, alot easier than alot of the 'pet' websites make out. Its as if they dont want you to get Ferrets :no::blink:


I have enjoyed keeping them. Excellent animals, allways full of beans and pissing around. Ferrets are the way foward, Ferrets and Dogs are all I will ever need I think...


Good luck getting a pair, dont let any websites put you of, there a doddle to keep :victory:


H&J :thumbs-up:

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Thats the only place I could keep ferrets.

but I surpose I could build a hutch or run for them in my garage if theres any room.


Thanks you for telling me you guys

if I hadnt put this post on here I most probley would of ended up with dead chickens.




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