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  On 19/06/2012 at 17:09, esoxluscious said:

anyone ever had any trouble off of the old bunny huggers whilst out flying bop's?


(i have never even seen one, just curious.....)




was flying a Redtail in on permision behind our first house, there was no public right of way on this land yet people took it upon themselves to walk their dogs along the river bank. on one occasion I was walking along the river with the redtail putting him up and calling him down again when I noticed two woman following me, at first I thought they was interested in the bird but when they opened their cockney Gobs it was obviouse they was Anti's..


Basiocally they gobbed off telling me to leave "The f*****g Hares alone" the best bit is it hadn't crossed my mind to fly the hares. to cut a long story short they carried on following me until we got to a Barbwire fence and a small ditch, once I was over that stopped following but I'm sure they was going to follow me home to give me more grief somtime later :doh: .


the fuinny thing is I flew on their many times after that but never saw them again

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I dont fly birds of prey but used to have a club come to the a moor I worked on each year, the only time I had abuse from anti's was on one of their visits, think they were out looking for hounds though and found us instead.

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  On 19/06/2012 at 17:32, jasper65 said:
  On 19/06/2012 at 17:09, esoxluscious said:

anyone ever had any trouble off of the old bunny huggers whilst out flying bop's?


(i have never even seen one, just curious.....)




was flying a Redtail in on permision behind our first house, there was no public right of way on this land yet people took it upon themselves to walk their dogs along the river bank. on one occasion I was walking along the river with the redtail putting him up and calling him down again when I noticed two woman following me, at first I thought they was interested in the bird but when they opened their cockney Gobs it was obviouse they was Anti's..


Basiocally they gobbed off telling me to leave "The f*****g Hares alone" the best bit is it hadn't crossed my mind to fly the hares. to cut a long story short they carried on following me until we got to a Barbwire fence and a small ditch, once I was over that stopped following but I'm sure they was going to follow me home to give me more grief somtime later :doh: .


the fuinny thing is I flew on their many times after that but never saw them again


interesting stuff, wouldnt fancy being followed home either!

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  On 19/06/2012 at 19:27, DIDO.1 said:

I dont fly birds of prey but used to have a club come to the a moor I worked on each year, the only time I had abuse from anti's was on one of their visits, think they were out looking for hounds though and found us instead.


  On 19/06/2012 at 20:09, arcticgun said:

yeah when they flushing to dogs, plod should really learn wtf they are on about before leaving the station :laugh:


thats what i was thinking if they stumbled upon you whilst thay where being a nuisance to others! again ive yet to even meet one and hope it stays that way

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  On 19/06/2012 at 22:45, Rabbiting man said:

Me and a friend was out with the dogs today mooching when some guy ask us both if we had any fox we said no we didn't know who he was and you cant trust people these days.


You're right mate, you can't trust people as far as you can thrown 'em. Never flown BOPs but had plenty of comments and voyeurism from antis, they love a good peek through the bushes at what i'm up to, bunch of muppets.

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Never met one whilst flying, have when I've been out with air rifle though. He called the police and sat about 50yards away from me for about an hour before he realised they weren't coming, i always let the police know if im going to be shooting, stops them bothering me, and makes the anti's look like tools when they are watching you shooting rabbits from 50 yards away. (for anyone interested, he was 50 odd, had a shitzu and had a story 'someone was shot on this land when a pellet ricochet of the floor, you should be ashamed of yourself')

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I used to be a gamekeeper so have had many run ins with the fluffy bunny brigade, They always followed the hunt and even had them bothering me when i was fishing

Years ago the anti's used to hire a rent a mob that was far more fun than tree hugging students lol

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  On 20/06/2012 at 15:26, woodie said:

I used to be a gamekeeper so have had many run ins with the fluffy bunny brigade, They always followed the hunt and even had them bothering me when i was fishing

Years ago the anti's used to hire a rent a mob that was far more fun than tree hugging students lol


always followed the hunt?? :huh: sort of makes you wander if its a misguided hunting instinct these halfwit treehuggers have, they are almost as obsessed with hunters as hunters are with quarry :yes: maybe iits latent instinct and they are actually part of the human race after all :laugh: :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never meet one why out hunting but new one he was a driver of a company I worked for he tried to get me to join the hunt sabs not knowing I was into hunting so on the way to work I would find out what he knew and what hunts they were going to try and stop or disrupt and where possible I would let the hunts know what I knew, I know some times it worked as he would tell me the hunt did not run or they could not find it.

I also came across a X rspca officer who had turned to being a anti at a new years eve party all I can say is what a night over 2 hours of heated talking if you can call it that nothing physical none of us changed our minds although by the end of it she said I was a nice person just a shame I kill animals so I was not hated by the end of it. She was dam good looking though such a waste.

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