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Just introducing myself

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Hi all


Looks like I made a bit of a bad start earlier but hopefully have sorted that out now :icon_redface:


So I would like to introduce myself, I am a Londoner exiled in Somerset due to marrying a girl from down this way and she wanted more freedom for the Boys to grow in I know class here as home and I love it.


I shoot mainly shotties so do my boys but recently we have got back into air rifles joined a club and use them in the field it is good fun. I loves me catties too.


I have 3 dogs and ferrets which I work in season one of the dogs is a lurcher pup that I am training and it seems I need training too so that is next on the cards.


we also do bushcrafting to get away from wife and mothers nagging she always wants things done so if not out I sneak down the alotment an sit in the shed with a beer.


I joined a few years ago as typing in google certain questions I had to be a member to view the answers but have only started posting today as I wanted a specific answer which I got.


Anyway Hello :)

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