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what slip leads does everyone use?

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bit off rope from B&Q youre not gutted when you lose it and cheap as chips.

Iv plaited together 11 banana skins which I then covered in ky jelly and the slime of a bream!

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Guest Leveller

Surely it's easier to train your dog to walk at heel then there's no need to worry about any bits of string and it leaves your hands free too.


Unless you're out "gang lamping" in big groups with a mass of dogs or having a match (somewhere it is legal) why do you need slip leads? I find walking in the dark hard enough as it is without trying to hold a dog on the lead at the same time.

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Guest Leveller

Not at all, I don't send her off with a command I'm not a fan of making noises whilst creeping about at night


If the lamp is off and we're walking around she will be at my side or a few feet ahead/behind I flick the light on scan around and if something moves in the lamp she's gone, likewise if I fix the beam in one spot too long ie on a squatter she's down the beam again. If she catches or misses the light is turned off and she is either coming back to me with a live rabbit in her mouth or returning with nothing, there's very little more we can expect from a night time rabbit hunting dog is there?


This will be her first season proper so it's early days but she's very switched on and it doesn't take much for her to grasp what I want from her.

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  On 01/09/2012 at 16:05, Leveller said:

Not at all, I don't send her off with a command I'm not a fan of making noises whilst creeping about at night


If the lamp is off and we're walking around she will be at my side or a few feet ahead/behind I flick the light on scan around and if something moves in the lamp she's gone, likewise if I fix the beam in one spot too long ie on a squatter she's down the beam again. If she catches or misses the light is turned off and she is either coming back to me with a live rabbit in her mouth or returning with nothing, there's very little more we can expect from a night time rabbit hunting dog is there?


This will be her first season proper so it's early days but she's very switched on and it doesn't take much for her to grasp what I want from her.

Unless i was on heavily populated ground i used to do the same with my older dog's and the only time i needed the lead was to do my 100yrd home walk where i might see a cat..on heavily populated ground the slip was not needed but prefered as they is usualy sitter's inbetween me and a bunnie running in the distance...to save the dog's on long hard night's i do prefare to choose when the dog is going to run or not..

Edited by Millet
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Guest Leveller
  On 01/09/2012 at 16:14, Millet said:

slip was not needed but prefered as they is usualy sitter's inbetween me and a bunnie running in the distance...to save the dog's on long hard night's


That's fair comment, just out of interest which rabbit would you be wanting the dog to run and which one is the problem? would you prefer a squatter yet the dog sees movement further afield or would you lamp the moving rabbit and the squatter would jump up and the that would be the unwanted rabbit. I'm not trying to be clever or catch you out it's a genuine question because the way I see it those situations could arise once the dog is slipped from a lead or just left your side without being slipped anyway

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It all depend's on the land hedge's fence's etc which i would prefer to run..i know a sitter could jump up when the dog is slipped or running free and it could sit still till the dog come's back ..9 time's out of 10 though if a dog can pick them out of the seat or run the beam and try i will opt for that and try to get on the arse end of them..to stop the dog having to make a load of ground up on the bunnie that has took of in th opposite direction..i have found by doing it that way you can get a hell of a lot more run's in a night by trying to save the dog's energy..

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I've tried working my dogs without a slip but I've always been much more successful using one. My dogs are fairly steady and will stay within a reasonable distance to me off the lead but as soon as I lamp a bunny they will take off and spend a lot of the time chasing lost causes or being called back while the more realistic targets make their escape.

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Guest Leveller

Both fair honest comments, you gotta do what puts the most in the bag if that's what you're after.


Things can change and as I've stated my dog's a bit green and I may have to do the same as she does more work but it's all about making it positive for now and giving her success. I'm nowhere near needing to save her energy just yet :thumbs:

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Still early in the year for energy saving.. :D .. but when the time does come nothing seem's to go according to plan when running load's of bunnie's as you alway's seem to get the odd one's doing the unexpected..ie jumping barbed fence's or jumping over the dog and a lot more.. :D

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