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That will depend on a couple of things :yes:


Power output of the gun and more importantly if you Zero at such a close range will you be (how do I put this?)..

Generally if you Zero at a set range, you are working on your Primary Zero (furthest point that will put the pellet where the crosshair is). And thus your secondary zero will be closer.


However if you Zero your primary Zero at 15 yards then it will not land anywhere near at 40 yards.

Best bet is Zero at 40 (your chosen range) and then fire at a target at 15 to see if its the same.


If you do zero at 15 then I would suggest that you place a target out at 20, 25,30 etc and see if the pellet rises and then falls.

If it does, then your sorted, if it doesn't you've set your primary too close


If any of that makes sense :hmm:



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