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Larsen trap... back up and running

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Hello Ladie's & Gent's


I wrote a thread a few day's ago about my larsen being emptyed by two localy known anti's.


As the weather has been rotten for the past few day's and this seem's to slow down the capture of the bird's..Last evening I set the trap with a few chicken egg's in it on my mate's farm in a possision we have been watching the bird's favouing over the past few day's


Went to check on the trap this morning




Iv seen a few post's asking how do you get your first bird.??


You have to move the trap around..keep moving where your seeing the bird..Try finding where the birds roost , early morning is an easy time to get the birds to go in the trap...set it the evening before ..the rest is just a matter of time ;)



Edited by Probuk
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hi mate where would i get that type of trap and how mutch are they,,, cheers

Hi i got this one off ebay £70 sound's alot but iv had around 50 birds to date in the past 3 weeks...a small price to pay in my eyes...and there still coming at around 2 to six a day. Iv had 4 sinse this morning and just had a phone call of my mate who owns a farm as i was writing this post..hes had 2 today.


The trap im using is light and very easy to move around..the secret to catching so many birds.


By the way..welcome to THL :thumbs:



Edited by Probuk
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hi mate where would i get that type of trap and how mutch are they,,, cheers

Hi i got this one off ebay £70 sound's alot but iv had around 50 birds to date in the past 3 weeks...a small price to pay in my eyes...and there still coming at around 2 to six a day. Iv had 4 sinse this morning and just had a phone call of my mate who owns a farm as i was writing this post..hes had 2 today.


The trap im using is light and very easy to move around..the secret to catching so many birds.


By the way..welcome to THL :thumbs:



hi mate where would i get that type of trap and how mutch are they,,, cheers

Hi i got this one off ebay £70 sound's alot but iv had around 50 birds to date in the past 3 weeks...a small price to pay in my eyes...and there still coming at around 2 to six a day. Iv had 4 sinse this morning and just had a phone call of my mate who owns a farm as i was writing this post..hes had 2 today.


The trap im using is light and very easy to move around..the secret to catching so many birds.


By the way..welcome to THL :thumbs:



cheers for the welcome mate and £70 sounds ok to me ill look on ebay tonight when i get home from graft
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