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I packed up drinking 16 years ago and I don't miss it at all....I am a much nicer person sober ! Lol Couple of my pals can put away huge amounts and it don't effect them in a negative way one little

Ban the stuff lol causes nothing but misery and grief

Merrrydown must have that effect as it was the 1st drink i started on .... im 6 and a half yrs now off the drink bar odd drink when on holiday , best move i made packin it in

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Well i couldn't go out for a night out when others are drinking and not drink. I dont drink near as much as i used too......was every weekend when i was younger but that was the norm. Now i'm probably once a month, if that... :thumbs:

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I used to feel that wAy lab. However being sober has its advantages. Also you can be amused at others making a pure c**t of themselfs lol

Done it a couple of times when i was younger.....times when i drove but they were long boring nights. Same as nowadays if i cant make a drink when others are i'd rather just be sitting at home. I dont drink in the house either unless we have folk round, just cant see the bonus of sitting drinking tins yourself...... :no:

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I dont drink either, everybody always laughs or pulls a stupid face when i say that but i dont.. I used to be mad for it from 15+ then over the last two years i seen what it does to folk, and decided it's not worth it, ok a couple of drinks at a wedding or Saturday night etc that's dead on but apart from that, its not for me. Last drink i had was last August at a wedding. But it annoys me because everyone always tells me " O you should be out drinking/clubbing at your age, calling me a bore lol" But i think just because im young doesn't automatically mean i have to drink or go to a club etc, i make my own fun, and dont need drink to do it :yes:


Same here mate, I don't go out downtown and rarely even to a pub as I can't seem to avoid trouble, also feel like s**t the morning after!!!

Have the odd drink in the house though it passes the time of being married :laugh:

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I dont drink either, everybody always laughs or pulls a stupid face when i say that but i dont.. I used to be mad for it from 15+ then over the last two years i seen what it does to folk, and decided it's not worth it, ok a couple of drinks at a wedding or Saturday night etc that's dead on but apart from that, its not for me. Last drink i had was last August at a wedding. But it annoys me because everyone always tells me " O you should be out drinking/clubbing at your age, calling me a bore lol" But i think just because im young doesn't automatically mean i have to drink or go to a club etc, i make my own fun, and dont need drink to do it :yes:

i bet you dirty little hamster :laugh:
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I dont drink either, everybody always laughs or pulls a stupid face when i say that but i dont.. I used to be mad for it from 15+ then over the last two years i seen what it does to folk, and decided it's not worth it, ok a couple of drinks at a wedding or Saturday night etc that's dead on but apart from that, its not for me. Last drink i had was last August at a wedding. But it annoys me because everyone always tells me " O you should be out drinking/clubbing at your age, calling me a bore lol" But i think just because im young doesn't automatically mean i have to drink or go to a club etc, i make my own fun, and dont need drink to do it :yes:

i bet you dirty little hamster :laugh:


Tub of Vaseline and a blow up doll :laugh:

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I dont drink either, everybody always laughs or pulls a stupid face when i say that but i dont.. I used to be mad for it from 15+ then over the last two years i seen what it does to folk, and decided it's not worth it, ok a couple of drinks at a wedding or Saturday night etc that's dead on but apart from that, its not for me. Last drink i had was last August at a wedding. But it annoys me because everyone always tells me " O you should be out drinking/clubbing at your age, calling me a bore lol" But i think just because im young doesn't automatically mean i have to drink or go to a club etc, i make my own fun, and dont need drink to do it :yes:

i bet you dirty little hamster :laugh:

Shut it counsellor :laugh: :laugh:
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I dont drink either, everybody always laughs or pulls a stupid face when i say that but i dont.. I used to be mad for it from 15+ then over the last two years i seen what it does to folk, and decided it's not worth it, ok a couple of drinks at a wedding or Saturday night etc that's dead on but apart from that, its not for me. Last drink i had was last August at a wedding. But it annoys me because everyone always tells me " O you should be out drinking/clubbing at your age, calling me a bore lol" But i think just because im young doesn't automatically mean i have to drink or go to a club etc, i make my own fun, and dont need drink to do it :yes:

i bet you dirty little hamster :laugh:


Tub of Vaseline and a blow up doll :laugh:

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Takes a better person to refuse a drink mochara

Never been One to bow to peer pressure either!

Agree with you there Scot, Feck peer pressure :laugh: :laugh: I do what i want, when i want.. Not when others "say so" :angel:
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I dont drink either, everybody always laughs or pulls a stupid face when i say that but i dont.. I used to be mad for it from 15+ then over the last two years i seen what it does to folk, and decided it's not worth it, ok a couple of drinks at a wedding or Saturday night etc that's dead on but apart from that, its not for me. Last drink i had was last August at a wedding. But it annoys me because everyone always tells me " O you should be out drinking/clubbing at your age, calling me a bore lol" But i think just because im young doesn't automatically mean i have to drink or go to a club etc, i make my own fun, and dont need drink to do it :yes:

i bet you dirty little hamster :laugh:

Shut it counsellor :laugh: :laugh:

:clapper: :clapper:
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