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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  Rabbiteer said:
My main area of work is Anaesthetics.





Jesus Wept! That's even more hectic, isn't it? More of an Art to that caper. You f*ck up and the main Surgeon suddenly finds he's just performing Butchery!


Must say, if I ever had to get cut, you'd be the one who'd catch the pleading in my eyes. He nicks an artey, I'm sure he'd be able to sort it. You give me a bit too much of something ....? :icon_eek:

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Guest Rabbiteer

I would like to think I do something special, but it doesnt really feel that way.


I go to work in the week like others.


I look forward to the weekends like others.


Each of us have to bring the pennies in. Would you believe that a days pest control (roughly £100) is higher paid than me.

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  bigeddie said:
I only get a little tinkle out of my bell :laugh:


Try lifting up the end and waggling it :laugh:


Ok serious question now, how much do hernias hurt? :hmm: On a scale of one to ten what is the pain like? Is it constant or is it only when you touch the area? Is it a bloke thing or can women get them as well? Would you know if you had one cos youd be in sooo much pain, or is it something you could have for ages and not really know you had it til it started to get really sore?

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  SJM said:
  bigeddie said:

I only get a little tinkle out of my bell :laugh:


Try lifting up the end and waggling it :laugh:


Ok serious question now, how much do hernias hurt? :hmm: On a scale of one to ten what is the pain like? Is it constant or is it only when you touch the area? Is it a bloke thing or can women get them as well? Would you know if you had one cos youd be in sooo much pain, or is it something you could have for ages and not really know you had it til it started to get really sore?

its not that painful. i suppose its a bit like having a baby,a :laugh: bit of minor discomfort ,and next day your better :laugh:

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  SJM said:
  bigeddie said:

I only get a little tinkle out of my bell :laugh:


Try lifting up the end and waggling it :laugh:


Ok serious question now, how much do hernias hurt? :hmm: On a scale of one to ten what is the pain like? Is it constant or is it only when you touch the area? Is it a bloke thing or can women get them as well? Would you know if you had one cos youd be in sooo much pain, or is it something you could have for ages and not really know you had it til it started to get really sore?


The one i have got is near my groin,i have a dull pain all the time with it then sometimes when you jolt it ie if your dog jumps up you like mine did,it had me doubled up in pain :icon_eek::cry: .On a sacle of one to ten the dull pain is about 3-4 when you jolt it it feels like 15 :laugh::laugh: .Mine was terrible after the doctors and nurses had finished prodding and poking :cry::cry:

I had the dull pain for about 4 months till last monday it got really bad.As far as i know women can get them.


Its far worse then having a baby micky women would not be able to cope with the pain :laugh::icon_redface: (only joking ladies) :laugh:

Edited by bigeddie
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