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at ********* magistrate court today.   6 defendants accused of 3 charges relating to the badgers act   1.disturbing a set. 2. Entering terriers to badgers 3. Will fully killing a badger.   Al

Im mates with with one of the accused lads in this case and right up untill the third day he thought they were f**ked.This whole case was built around a pack of lies fabricated buy the old bill with

Hi Red   Believe me I share GTE’s frustrations just as much as anyone possibly could. I’ve sat through more of these types of court cases than I can actually remember and also given so called “expe

  On 21/06/2012 at 15:20, gonetoearth said:

Barrie I know and respect all the work past and present you do and agree with you on most s you say we will agree to disagree on this issue why have Kate hoey involved she should bring it up at qestion time why the beeb let a public funded body film and air a bais article on a inncedent that was going to crown court and could have influenced the case , Wasting public money and a charity using donated monies to pursue law biding people acting within the law , innocent till proven guilty but dragged thru the mire and all the mite of the media used against them , , then found innocent maybe a public appology by the produces of country file , eh lol





I did suggest that if you wanted to discuss this at all, to give me a call rather than clogging up this thread and the offer still stands.


Just in case you hadn't already worked it out from my previous post I'm not asleep on the job even though the pay is lousy. But when you actually try do things, rather than just talk about doing them, open forums are not necessarily the right vehicle to do it. We all know full well that anything on here of the slightest interest is copied and logged by the antis.


Yes the rhetoric is great (albeit time consuming) and it’s interesting to hear from you what everyone else should be doing, regardless of whether it’s feasible or not. Do you have the foggiest idea about Parliamentary protocol and procedures, or what it would entail in order for Kate to be able to raise the matter at PMQ as you suggest she should be doing ? Do you have the solution as to how a complaint can usefully be logged with the BBC when it’s out of timescale, or have you even tried to find out ? In fact did you make the effort to complain about the program when it first went out, if so a copy of your complaint and the BBC's reply would be extremely useful at this time ?


Instead of being so destructive of everyone else and their efforts, it would be interesting to hear what you yourself have done about the matter to date and intend to do about it from here on in, or indeed have done about anything else ? With 4,625 posts on THL, I’m sure time and keyboard skills can’t have been a limiting factor and I wait with bated breath for your long list of efforts and achievements.


Kindest Regards - Barrie.

Edited by Barrie
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Barrie that reply has just left me stunned especially as the. Last two times we met I offered my time at any game fair or terrier show to help you and your club , as for my comment on Kate hoey and procedure yes as a matter of fact I do , as for my posts and comment you seem to have taken them as a personal attack , quite the opposite I assure you , 4000 + post am turning into an anarack , Barrie. I've been a member of every organisation since 1975 bfss wagbi fmwtc then the ca and basc , attended every march meeting , your efforts are well known and appreciated within are chosen sport , my criticism. Of the ca is my opinion you have yours , regards Graham

Edited by gonetoearth
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  On 21/06/2012 at 19:41, gonetoearth said:

Barrie that reply has just left me stunned especially as the. Last two times we met I offered my time at any game fair or terrier show to help you and your club , as for my comment on Kate hoey and procedure yes as a matter of fact I do , as for my posts and comment you seem to have taken them as a personal attack , quite the opposite I assure you , 4000 + post am turning into an anarack , Barrie. I've been a member of every organisation since 1975 bfss wagbi fmwtc then the ca and basc , attended every march meeting , your efforts are well known and appreciated within are chosen sport , my criticism. Of the ca is my opinion you have yours , regards Graham



Hi Graham


No I’ve not taken any of your comments as a personal attack on me, I know full well that we’re both very much on the same side.


If you assumed that from my comment regarding my not sleeping on the job, I’m afraid that’s part of the problem with discussing such things on an open forum (something I’d tried to avoid). The message I was trying to convey was… I too feel quite strongly that the defendants in this case suffered at the hands of the RSPCA/BBC and am trying my best to see if there’s anything realistic which can be done about it.


With regards to PMQ if you’re aware of the protocol and procedures then you’ll also be aware that it’s not quite as simple as you suggest…. other people might not be so aware and as a result start to question Kate’s credentials as well.


With regards to Kate’s credibility or otherwise, in 1997 we had a vehemently anti hunting Labour Government with an overwhelming majority. That year Mike Foster (Labour) MP put forward a Private Members Bill to ban hunting with dogs. There were only two MPs within the entire Government who voted against that Bill and both were women. One was Lynn Golding (Labour) MP and the other Kate Hoey (Labour) MP. Not only did they vote against the Bill, but despite considerable pressure from within their own party they actively campaigned on our behalf and have done so ever since.


Some may remember that after the Foster Bill ran out of time, Lynn Golding was also kind enough to show her continued support for terrierwork by presenting the trophies at the Great Yorkshire Show. I took that opportunity to present Lynn with a carved walking stick on behalf of the terrier world (paid for out my own pocket) as an expression of our gratitude and friendship. I also gave it her with a message which was “Although the terrier world may appear to some to be a pretty rough bunch, we never do forget our friends…… and I’d be grateful if you would carry the message back to Westminster that we never forget our enemies either.”


Throughout the passage of the Hunting Act 2004, both of these ladies were more help than you can possibly imagine, they got us (me) places which I could never have got on my own and the fact that terrierwork is the only form of hunting with dogs which the 2004 Hunting Act does not seek to ban is due in no small part to their help and support during that time.


All of the above is a matter of record. Personally I feel we’re very fortunate to have such friends and we need to keep them, to me they’ve earned their spurs with honours and deserve better than to be criticised. If I’m not much else, I’d like to think I’m at least a man of my word. Hence my rebuttal and I hope you and others having read the above will appreciate more fully my reasons why. I assure you there's no animosity intended, but we need them far more than they need us.


With Kindest Regards - Barrie


PS. My apologies to BC and others that these discussions have deviated from the original purpose of this thread.

Edited by Barrie
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I was very young when I watched Barrie and my old man and John Waters in action in the Scottish parliament although I'm a SACS member now it was the Alliance that unlocked most of the doors for us certain misinformed individuals in the past have suggested the alliance particullarly the Scottish countryside alliance sold out lurchermen and terriermen. That never happened not while the above mentioned guys were in the fight the truth was the Scottish govt got such poor representation from lurchermen they did not allow comitee time for them, the Alliance the SWDA the NWTF all pushed as hard as they could to overturn that decision but to no avail. I remember helping my old man to trail round all the shows trying whip up support only to be told by lurchermen "even if they ban it they wo'nt stop us" we were trying to sell SWDA hats Etc to finance the fight but they would rather spend 3 quid on a pint and tell everybody how good their dog was. We the SWDA had a team in place to represent lurchers but the Scottish govt would'nt hear of it because the MSP's said NOBODY was coming in to their surgeries to speak about lurchers. YIS JO.

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Barrie first of all this thread was started to air the result court case a successful one , the debate that has ensued has proberbly educated many on here to what goes on , the antis etc who frequent this and other sites are well aware of the same , my posting on here how ever many times is of no consequence but I'll leave that one alone , yes you are lucky to have the ear of two mp's who voted while we stood outside the houses of parliament , every succes should be highlighted , the tactics you mentioned in an earlier post may work , but the tactics of the RSPCA should be brought to the attention of the wider public , the charity status is not there to use monies collected to save the lives of dogs cats etc is not there to equip their staff with paramilitary uniforms , and fabricate evidence , and persure hunts or any member of the public carrying out lawfull activity , as to my own imput let's just say them that need to know know mines done a bit different sir with no cucumber sandwiches and earl grey Present good luck in all you do Barrie best regardsGTE

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Back on track the complaints need to be made to the charity commission re RSPCA/SSPCA/USPCA. missuse of their charity status. What really needs highlighted is their "evidence handling" in certain instances they (their" Inspectors" take evidence home and store it there ?) they are very selective about which parts of the "evidence" they actually allow the Fiscals office see ( the Scottish version of the CPS) the USPCA are doing the same. I can't comment on the RSPCA as We do'nt have first hand evidence of that but we do in Scotland and N.I.

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I am pleased at how this thread has progressed (not deviated) It has highlighted just how complicated the law, parliament etc is and that simple solutions are not 'simple' at all. I for one have sat really annoyed and thought, this or that, should have been done or said. But having read this thread it makes you think in different ways.

I should imagine programmes like Country file have everything checked, checked and checked again for anything which can be thought of as liable. And even though the report they did has turned out to be untrue, i will have been factual and true at the time of their report, therefore they have not done anything legally wrong. Morally perhaps with their suggestions and undertones but not legally.

I suppose for The countryside alliance and any other bodies to keep protesting every time a wrong doing happens may not be in our best interests in the long run, for a multiple of reasons.

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The RSPCA was formed to save lives of strays there work was originally commendably , as I have stated on many forums and many times , the RSPCA has been infiltrated by lacs , there use of funds has to be investigated and brought to the attention of the well meaning public who do not have a clue what there donations are being wasted on , the presence at Appleby horse fair in brand new vehicles in uniforms more befitting a paramilitary group when they are crying poverty , how many old people falll for their begging letters , they crave power and in these economic times the police are using them as they cannot waste time and man power of their own , they have the ear of the media as we have seen , with respect to all who have in the past and are currently working with the ca . not enough is being done to expose the misuse of this charity's funds , , how many joe public know the existent of the killing of healthy animals and the time limit they are given to be kept at RSPCA centres ,

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  On 22/06/2012 at 10:46, Moll. said:

I am pleased at how this thread has progressed (not deviated) It has highlighted just how complicated the law, parliament etc is and that simple solutions are not 'simple' at all. I for one have sat really annoyed and thought, this or that, should have been done or said. But having read this thread it makes you think in different ways.

I should imagine programmes like Country file have everything checked, checked and checked again for anything which can be thought of as liable. And even though the report they did has turned out to be untrue, i will have been factual and true at the time of their report, therefore they have not done anything legally wrong. Morally perhaps with their suggestions and undertones but not legally.

I suppose for The countryside alliance and any other bodies to keep protesting every time a wrong doing happens may not be in our best interests in the long run, for a multiple of reasons.

any court case going to trial can be harmed by media coverage many have been called for a retrial over the years because of media coverage , my point is the BBC IS A PUBLIC funded body. That you and I pay for it is being use as a tool on occasion to further the proganda of the anti lobby , so you agree that they are doing wrong but let them carry on because you don't want to upset the apple cart , well bud fooook the apple cart the lying b*****ds have got away with it for too long since 1976 I've been told fighting funds for this fighting fook all seen loads driving new ranger overs though and lovely tents at the cla
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  On 22/06/2012 at 08:45, gonetoearth said:

Barrie first of all this thread was started to air the result court case a successful one , the debate that has ensued has proberbly educated many on here to what goes on , the antis etc who frequent this and other sites are well aware of the same , my posting on here how ever many times is of no consequence but I'll leave that one alone , yes you are lucky to have the ear of two mp's who voted while we stood outside the houses of parliament , every succes should be highlighted , the tactics you mentioned in an earlier post may work , but the tactics of the RSPCA should be brought to the attention of the wider public , the charity status is not there to use monies collected to save the lives of dogs cats etc is not there to equip their staff with paramilitary uniforms , and fabricate evidence , and persure hunts or any member of the public carrying out lawfull activity , as to my own imput let's just say them that need to know know mines done a bit different sir with no cucumber sandwiches and earl grey Present good luck in all you do Barrie best regardsGTE



Hi Graham


At the very outset I did try to steer these discussion away from this thread and your response was “that’s what this site is for to discuss, and debate”. I still believe it would have been far more productive to have done so.


With regards your comments re my being lucky to have the ear of two MPs. It’s US that are lucky to have their support (not me) and there are very many other MP’s worthy of mention for their invaluable support. However it was you that chose to single out Kate Hoey and in light of my previous comments re remembering our friends I felt it only right and proper to present the real facts for you and others to see. Such relationships have been hard won and over a long period of time.


With regards to your suggestion that I might have been inside Parliament with MPs whilst others were outside, that is simply not true. There has not been a single march, rally, demonstration or party political conference in England, Scotland or Wales where I have not been stood outside with everyone else along with the NWTF banner. And I’ve always got there under my own steam and out of my own pocket (just like the rest of the lads).


With regards to the RSPCA, their charitable status and other activities, they are under constant scrutiny by far more capable and informed people than either of us.


Your suggestion that I might enjoy some kind of cucumber sandwich and Earl Grey tea life style on the back of all this could not be further from the truth and once again that is simply not true. I have however spent a couple of all night vigils outside of Parliament sleeping on straw bales in the rain.


The real truth of the matter is that whenever I attend any terrier club meeting or talks as far as I’m concerned I’m there representing the NWTF and supporting terrierwork which is something which I care about a lot. I get there under my own steam and any travelling or overnight accommodation costs all come out of my own pocket. I always try to take something along as a raffle prize (or prizes) and always refuse even a bottle to bring back. As I’m sure many on here can testify.


If you had the slightest idea of what I had in the bank when I first took on this role and what I have today, or of the personal sacrifices my family has made during that time and of the jobs which don’t get done (yes I do have a real life too) you would be embarrassed by your own comments.


With regards your own level of input, it was you that chose to highlight and criticise the activities of others, against such a background I don’t think it unreasonable to ask for some clarification of your role as well. You’ve chosen not to do so and I respect that choice.


Can we close these discussions please, they achieve very little. Personally I'd rather shake your hand, buy you a pint and us both move forward kicking ass where it really does count.


Kindest Regards - Barrie

Edited by Barrie
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  On 15/06/2012 at 20:53, baldockbanks courser said:

at ********* magistrate court today.


6 defendants accused of 3 charges relating to the badgers act


1.disturbing a set.

2. Entering terriers to badgers

3. Will fully killing a badger.


All 6 found Not guilty on all 3 charges. Shown beyond reasonable doubt to be carrying out legal FOX control to protect game birds on permission.


Report should be in country mans weekly next week.

bloody good result the fight must go on . atb bunnys.
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  On 22/06/2012 at 11:25, gonetoearth said:

any court case going to trial can be harmed by media coverage many have been called for a retrial over the years because of media coverage , my point is the BBC IS A PUBLIC funded body. That you and I pay for it is being use as a tool on occasion to further the proganda of the anti lobby , so you agree that they are doing wrong but let them carry on because you don't want to upset the apple cart , well bud fooook the apple cart the lying b*****ds have got away with it for too long since 1976 I've been told fighting funds for this fighting fook all seen loads driving new ranger overs though and lovely tents at the cla


Whoa...hold on 'bud'. I am simply stating how informative this thread has been You do not know what i have and have not done, so lets not make assumptions about anyones apple cart and leave me out of your angst!

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Barrie you seemto be taking all this the wrong way I am not questioning the part you have played and are playing or what ever your financial status is or was never have never will , I have stated my opinion that's all , my comment are on the parts played by the BBC AND THE RSPCA , IF YOU DON'T AGREE I cannot change that as you can not change mine , the earl grey was aimed at the CA and the rangerover quip was, , I have nothing but the upmost respect for the work you have done and will buy you a pint any time , Am afraid I've become cynical when it come to the CA and it's. Forebears , who have had enough money over the years but hey who am I to question. There choise in 4x4 , again GOOD LUCK IN ALL YOU DO

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  On 22/06/2012 at 12:46, gonetoearth said:

Barrie you seemto be taking all this the wrong way I am not questioning the part you have played and are playing or what ever your financial status is or was never have never will , I have stated my opinion that's all , my comment are on the parts played by the BBC AND THE RSPCA , IF YOU DON'T AGREE I cannot change that as you can not change mine , the earl grey was aimed at the CA and the rangerover quip was, , I have nothing but the upmost respect for the work you have done and will buy you a pint any time , Am afraid I've become cynical when it come to the CA and it's. Forebears , who have had enough money over the years but hey who am I to question. There choise in 4x4 , again GOOD LUCK IN ALL YOU DO




Hi Graham


Thank you for being so gracious and my apologies if I have at any point misunderstood what you had written and responded out of context. I'm afraid it's easily done on these forums, that' why I always prefer to speak to anyone in person if possible.


I look forward to sharing that pint, let’s hope it’s a long dry summer.


Kindest Regards - Barrie

Edited by Barrie
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