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The Prosport is Blooded and Number 21 Magpie is in the Bag.

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My New Prosport is zeroed at 25 yards as My Garden is only 26 yards long :icon_redface:, And is awaiting a trip to the Shooting club on Sunday

for it's full zeroing session.

So the YODA GUN is the Medium to long range weapon of choice till the prosport is fully zeroed.

But two Magpies made the Mistake of landing in the top of a fir tree 27 yards away, Knew it wasn't going to make much difference

on My 25 yard zero so took the shot.

Buggering hell the .22 RWS Superfield 15.9gr in 5.51 head size absolutely Smashed Him out of the Tree, He didn't have time to flap His wings.

Forgotten the power at short range the .22 does :icon_eek: So She is Blooded and not bad for a lefty shooting right handed if i must say so Myself.


atvb Daz 7.





Edited by Daz 7
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Nice shooting Daz, i am also a RWS Superfield convert as my AA410 loves them. Even with my shakes and twitches i managed a 15 shot group that shot the middle out of target, as Si says its proving nothing to shoot more. What i would says is that in that very small test i had no flyers and loading them into the magazine there was not one that was damaged. The way you are going Daz there will be a shortage of maggies in Manchester.

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Cheers Roger,

Good thing two More Magpies came to inspect their fallen Brethren but didn't hang about as next doors Rotty

Decided to have a barking session as he'd Spotted Postman Pat at His Front Door :no:

That Dog hates postmen, So thats the end of Maggie shooting for Now. :o


atvb Daz 7.

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You have already learned how to rip people off at darts you dirty fly boy LOL.




Yes Si,


Adam is a Sly one :laugh: saying he was inexperienced and really He was a Dark Horse or Wolf in Sheep's clothing :hmm:

He will be watched at the Next Meet :laugh: :laugh: :tongue2:


atvb Daz 7.

Edited by Daz 7
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