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tumbling pellets?????????

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when i spoke to the guy i told him i was having to have to gun serviced once i got it back he offerd to service it for me as he had to strip it down anyway so for a bit extra ££££ he would service it . im going to strip the gun down as much as i feel comfortable and clean everything and see what that does.

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Still say they're not tumbling. Those holes are all in the same direction, looks more like you weren't square on to the target than tumbling.


Check everything is tight, the biggest cause of poor grouping is loose screws!

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i have recrown two guns .glued a ball bearing onto a bit of tube that is the tool.put a few pellets in the end of barrel to stop paste going down it .put lapping past on the ball bearing and rotat the past and ball bearing in the end of barrel lightly .dont force the ball bearing let it find its own way .it will fall in the center of the bore .just keep moving your angle of attack .you will see pictures on the net .it takes a long time

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If you remove the barrel after slacking off the two grub screws that retain it then you might have even more problems to contend with, the breech end of the barrel has to be perfectly aligned with the transfer port in the receiver. unless you can mark the position of the barrel to the receiver before taking it out then you will replace it possibly out of line on reasembly. If your gun was allways spot on before being dipped then as others have said it sounds as if there is some paint found its way into the rifling at the muzzle end. Remember as well dont overtighten the barrel retaining grub screw nearest the magazine as the barrel has a brass collar at the magazine end and overtightening that grub screw will distort the pellet when the bolt pushes the pellet into the rifling which it is just possible the dipper has allready done??.

Edited by Tron
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Barry, I always use a free rolling ball bearing on a firm surface. That way you will always get it lined up properly as the bb will roll to the centre of the bore. Needs to be about a 1/2" bb though.

The two barrels I did were very very bad .I had two start the prosess with a counter sink tool .I did toy with the free floating ball bearing but I only live for so long .both barrels I did with the tool I made are 100 percent .I may have been lucky .
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Yes, that'll work, but the free rolling bearing makes things easier imho. Self aligning, and you can get a piece of wood and roll it around in big circles, so you can get rid of more material with less effort, and get the desired effect more quickly.

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