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It depends on a few factors mate, i'd be taking the dog to a greyhound vet like Paul Evans they will tell you the truth instead of trying to get as much money as they can from you. If you go to Paul Evans mention 'Mally' he's a very good vet mate, wouldn't take mine to anyone else and it's a 140 mile round trip for me. :thumbs:

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It depends on a few factors mate, i'd be taking the dog to a greyhound vet like Paul Evans they will tell you the truth instead of trying to get as much money as they can from you. If you go to Paul Evans mention 'Mally' he's a very good vet mate, wouldn't take mine to anyone else and it's a 140 mile round trip for me. :thumbs:

thanks mally whats his address and contact number ATB LEE


Paul Evans 0161 628 5709 25 highlands road, Royton, Oldham, OL2 5HR

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