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Its just confidence. On day it will just do it and that will be it. I've noticed one of my pups panics at a fence that he hurt himself on when he was younger and yet he can jump double that hieght normally. Now a bit older no fence stops them( in reason).... :thumbs:

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my pup is 11 month and he was jumping great at 8 month onwards but doesnt bother jumping things so much anymore possibly the collie in him soesnt see point in jumping if there is a whole in fence 40 yards away or is just plain stubborn ? but i know he can do it when he wants to

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its just confidence. On day it will just do it and that will be it. I've noticed one of my pups panics at a fence that he hurt himself on when he was younger and yet he can jump double that hieght normally. Now a bit older no fence stops them( in reason).... :thumbs:

spot on,confidents is the key marley's started on shep netting with a strand of barbed wire on top the first time he got hung up wich i thought would put him off but luckily it didnt faze him now there is no stopping him he will do five bar gates. atb sp
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my bitch was the same mate, i made a temp kennel and it was 4ft high, i used to sit on roof and she would just jump straight on with me, but out in the field would stand at a fence half the height, this was when she was 14month old, now shes 20 months shes jumping every fence gate, or what ever is in the way, mind if she can get under them she will do rather than jump! its amazing just how much a dog can change in a few months, youll be saying the same in 6 months,

all the best mate

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Alright [bANNED TEXT] when I started my pup to jump I new he could so did he so what I did was find a fens he or she carnt get under or though and pop it on the other side and just turn around and walk away callin his or her name and by sure anuff she will be be side you but she will cry as your walking away but don't give in just keep calling her she will pick it up

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