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training a dog that lives outside..

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Ill be building the run attatched to the shed and insulating it.. this week ready for my pup, she will have free roam of the garden when im in and when im out/in bed she will be in the shed/run.. but something just occured to me... how will i get her to do her mess in the run and not the shed where she will be sleeping and eating etc.. or will she just naturally not want to mess in there since its the living area?


thanks for any tips

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If she has a whole shed as a sleeping area odds are she will soil inside the shed, the key is to have a sleeping area big enough to be comfortable but deter soiling. Even if you insulate a whole shed you will loose a lot of heat due the the height and size, a smaller sleeping area would be much more beneficial to detering soiling AND ensuring the dogs is warmer and more comfy.........

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If she has a whole shed as a sleeping area odds are she will soil inside the shed, the key is to have a sleeping area big enough to be comfortable but deter soiling. Even if you insulate a whole shed you will loose a lot of heat due the the height and size, a smaller sleeping area would be much more beneficial to detering soiling AND ensuring the dogs is warmer and more comfy.........


its not a big shed 5ft wide 6ft long 6ft high (hence im building a run on the side of it) .. the ferrets are be above her.. ive been in and shut the door when cleaning the hutches and its bloody warm with that door shut.sweat on comes to mind.....im also putting loft insulation around the top half of the shed to stop any drafts from there since that seems to be the most drafty area.. the roofs been refelted and the whole sheds been restained the other week (might do it again to be doubly sure)


I will take into consideration what you said though.. I did plan on putting a raised platform for the bedding area anyways.. wont be hard to add a wall of sorts




and thanks paulus

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Make sure to put a roof on the run and a solid fence on the side that gets hit by the prevailing wind/rain: a lot of dogs mess in their kennels because they don't want to go out in the pouring rain< and God knows we've got a lot of rain at the moment.


Also, position the kennel and run with its back to the prevailing wind.

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