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Camo Dipping, and Tuning hw97kt

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hey guys


i was thinking of getting the 97 proffesionaly camo dipped ..including scope, mounts, the lot!

and then getting it tuned (probly by that tony fella at SFS)


will be next year when i have loads of money spare LOL


just wondering peoples thoughts and oppinions of this.. i dont ever plan on selling the gun to be honest no point!

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How does your 97 shoot Skot? Any spring twang? Hows the recoil?


We stripped mine down the other day, did some polishing, put some tar like grease on the spring (I will find out what type if you like) and its been totally transformed.


Its a hell of a lot quieter, hardly any recoil, and no twang from the spring.


It was already pretty good, now its excellent.

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Id say shoot and enjoy your rifle Skot if your getting consistent good groups from it.


I used Davy's HW97KT for HFT this Sunday just gone and that is straight out the box. It shot brilliantly, far better than I could shoot it.


I wouldn't have scored many points more with my own I don't think, maybe no more than I did.


A tune makes it smoother, less recoil and probably more consistent but if its shooting well with no problems then Id say be happy with it and save your money till its ready for a tune.


Then you will get a new rifle back from Tony Wall believe you me, ask Pianoman as he shot mine on Saturday and his words were " thats bloody fantastic".



Edited by zini
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i just WANT it dipping. :laugh: . could camo it with tape or netting etc


it shoots nice to be honest. pretty smooth.ive put about 1500 pellets thru her now.

at 60 yards i was plinking and it was a few inches low for ages, then all of a sudden it was going about an inch right, maybe i knocked the scope?


after every shot was fired the crosshair would always rest, just up and off to the right from where the target was, in near enough the same place.. does that mean i was holding it properly?


with aa it was making a 'clunk' type noise, a bit twangy.. then after i changed to rws superdome it made more of a 'ching'.

after another 1000 pellets im going to find most accurate and then chrono it, i have a funny feeling it will be on the wrong side of the power limit line tho :whistling: so il have to get it sorted :yes:


thing is tho at same range 58yards with aa it was 3mils down and with superdomes it was nearly 5!? i didnt think there was that much weight difference between them. if i remember right aa is 8.4 and rws superdome 8.3gr.. so what happened there?!?!? is that to do with the balistic co-eficient or whatever..

getting too scientific now LOL :blink:

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You will have to re-zero for different types of pellet because of the different ballistic co-efficientcy like you said.


I recommend stripping it down, polishing the ends of the spring, and lubricating it with some nice sticky grease (not too much though). A lot of people seem to use CV joint grease but the stuff used in my gun was almost tar like. You will be surprised how much difference it makes.


Taking a HW97 apart is easier than I thought, there are plenty of how to's on the web, also no need for a spring compressor, and its a handy thing to know.

Edited by Flow
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You will have to re-zero for different types of pellet because of the different ballistic co-efficientcy like you said.


I recommend stripping it down, polishing the ends of the spring, and lubricating it with some nice sticky grease (not too much though). A lot of people seem to use CV joint grease but the stuff used in my gun was almost tar like. You will be surprised how much difference it makes.


Taking a HW97 apart is easier than I thought, there are plenty of how to's on the web, also no need for a spring compressor, and its a handy thing to know.


Agreed, pure simplicity backed by solid engineering. Incredible weapons.

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