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partridge recipes

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Partridge in whisky/ seville orange marmalade with port jus.

brown the birds all over, put in small pyrex or roasting tin, just big enough to take however many birds your doing. Drizzle a little olive oil over them, then put a level spoon of marmalade over each bird plus some thyme, finely chop some chelottes, chuck them in pour in some port, a couple of birds give about half a wine glass, grind of sea salt, foil tightly on a reasonably hot heat for about hallf to three quarters of an hour, this will vary so rough guide only, uncover and keep basting till happy cooked enough, keep birds warm while you reduce juices to a reasonably thick sauce, serve with dauphine potatoes, and a green like french beans, drink rest of port with it, lovely ta after a days beating or ferreting, whatever. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Partridge in whisky/ seville orange marmalade with port jus.

brown the birds all over, put in small pyrex or roasting tin, just big enough to take however many birds your doing. Drizzle a little olive oil over them, then put a level spoon of marmalade over each bird plus some thyme, finely chop some chelottes, chuck them in pour in some port, a couple of birds give about half a wine glass, grind of sea salt, foil tightly on a reasonably hot heat for about hallf to three quarters of an hour, this will vary so rough guide only, uncover and keep basting till happy cooked enough, keep birds warm while you reduce juices to a reasonably thick sauce, serve with dauphine potatoes, and a green like french beans, drink rest of port with it, lovely ta after a days beating or ferreting, whatever. B)


:tongue4: Good to see another bloke with a bit of flair in the kitchen... I agree with pot roasting game, especially with a marmalade or jelly, as it helps to keep it moist and tender and creates a fantastic sauce. Adding pancetta or belly pork also helps with the flavour and moisture... i prefer to eat a bit pink but whatever floats your boat. Not quite so keen on the washing up mind you :D

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:hmm::hmm: me thinks he meens Shallots!!! And next time he comes back with the birds hes cooking!!! :laugh:


Another option is to make a bit of sage and onion stuffing, remove breast of birds ( rest to ferrets) put one breast face down on some layers of streaky bacon, then on top of meat spread some of the moist stuffing then wrap the bacon around it. into roasting pan, bit of olive oil, port, finely sliced shallots or leeks and foil and cook.


Dont forgett the dauphnois potatoes! goes perfect with them and really easy to make! ( just as good cold for breakfast! :laugh: )

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