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my gog attacked by another out of control dog

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  On 11/06/2012 at 12:02, lab-tastic said:
  On 11/06/2012 at 09:58, paulus said:
  On 11/06/2012 at 09:50, vixen said:

Two days ago i was out with my four lurchers and "funnily enough" a labrador came running towards mine from accross a field and through two fences, not listening to a word the owner was shouting, as it got nearer i put wee fly on the lead as she had an op about a month ago, it ran at them hackles up right to it's tail, i stood in front of mine as they are not aggressive in any way towards other dogs and i shouted at it and hit it with a lead, it wasn't going to stop at me and next thing my young dog Trieg jumped in front of me and grabbed it by the face and shook it, it tried to have a go back but i grabbed my dog and hit it again, by this time the owner ran accross and got it on the lead.................WHY WOULD YOU LET A DOG OFF THE LEAD THAT YOU KNOW WOULD ATTACK ANOTHER?????????????????

labs need to go on the dangerous dogs list by the sounds of things :whistling::laugh: :laugh:

Pmsl... All lab x, what are they crossed with a f*****g wolf.

Dont get me wrong I hate these unruly dogs. Had it happen to me as well. It was actually 2 boxers but f**k it we'll call them lab x for this thread... Lol

I just booted the c**ts, had the work steelies on tae and they felt it. Lucky the owner was a woman that day or my toe would have been connecting with there jaw.

I was amazed how she could have a go at me when her dogs ran at mine from about 200 yards and my dogs were at heel. She was well and truly told to f**k right off!!!

i thought that was your normal greeting :laugh:
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labs need to go on the dangerous dogs list by the sounds of things :laugh:

to be honest i dont trust anybodys dogs so when im out that puts me in defence mode, at the end of the day protect your own dogs as the good owners use common sence of which most of the loons aint got

Don't get me started my pet hate! It's happened to mine a few times when he was younger. Funnily enough the last time it also was a labx. I never let mine of the lead until I'm away from the genera

I can remember walking my patxjack when she was about 7 months old and a Pomeranian? Kept runnin over givin it big licks and running of for about 5 minutes. Anyway about 15 minutes later it seem to have disappeard then out I know where it came out grabbed hold of my bitch, my bitch thought I'm not having that b*****d and knocked 10 bells out of it and the bloke came running over saying it was all my dog even after watching his start the trouble. He tarted getting laity with me so I scuffed his dog and launched it in the canal next to where I walk and said of you don't put that dog on a f*****g lead ill launch it into the sewerage works... Seems to of worked because now its always on a lead and he treats me like his best mate. Dogs arnt the best of friend though :laugh:

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My blood is boiling just reading this. After having mine attacked by loose dogs, I never take my dogs to public parks now, i'd sooner walk the roads, always carrying my 'walking stick' blackthorn with a brass handle (fondly known as the cranium cracker). Next time mine come under attack from out of control dogs I would have no hesitation reporting it to the police but will say the attacking dog attacked me.....look - ripped coat etc where the attacker took hold. Imagine the carnage if it were a kid out walking their pet.

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this is a constant problem for me. :censored: :censored: i have had a spate of these problems. once a large leggy bull type was heading for my little plummer that i was running for a ball. it was nearly chips fer her but i had a large lurcher that MANAGED TO GET LOOSE JUST IN TIME TO BAIL HER OUT. :icon_eek: ive lost count of the times folks dogs run up to mine on leashes. and they say its ok they dont fight. i say well they had better learn to an quick :yes: . cause mine may do just that. . thats why they are leashed up. :blink: i now carry a walking stick to protect THEIR DOGS :blink: . MORONS

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  On 11/06/2012 at 09:58, paulus said:
  On 11/06/2012 at 09:50, vixen said:

Two days ago i was out with my four lurchers and "funnily enough" a labrador came running towards mine from accross a field and through two fences, not listening to a word the owner was shouting, as it got nearer i put wee fly on the lead as she had an op about a month ago, it ran at them hackles up right to it's tail, i stood in front of mine as they are not aggressive in any way towards other dogs and i shouted at it and hit it with a lead, it wasn't going to stop at me and next thing my young dog Trieg jumped in front of me and grabbed it by the face and shook it, it tried to have a go back but i grabbed my dog and hit it again, by this time the owner ran accross and got it on the lead.................WHY WOULD YOU LET A DOG OFF THE LEAD THAT YOU KNOW WOULD ATTACK ANOTHER?????????????????

labs need to go on the dangerous dogs list by the sounds of things :whistling::laugh: :laugh:

The only dog I or my dogs been attacked by was a black lab. Freaky!

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Was walkin my 2 on permission , my lakie was huntin up rats on the river bank (out of sight off the field) my whippet at my side , a Plummer sprinted 80 plus yrds towards me , as it got closer i realised its heckles where up heading right for the whippet who was waging his tail , i whistled up the terrier who came through the fence and once the plummer spotted him he veered from me and the whippet towards the terrier.... Big Mistake , minutes later im attempting to release my terrier from this screeming (now screaming in fear) thing and who ended up havin treatment for bite marks Me , i can tell you iodine makes you Dance , also seen a Plummer dog "ATTACK" a Plummer Bitch (lovely natured bitch) and the mess it left off the leather collar showed the Dog was not playing games and lucky the Bitchs owner was on hand to interviene , so many off yous have seen lab x's out off control well its Plummer's ive had/seen determined to attack and out off control !

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  On 11/06/2012 at 20:35, Cleanspade said:

this is a constant problem for me. :censored: :censored: i have had a spate of these problems. once a large leggy bull type was heading for my little plummer that i was running for a ball. it was nearly chips fer her but i had a large lurcher that MANAGED TO GET LOOSE JUST IN TIME TO BAIL HER OUT. :icon_eek: ive lost count of the times folks dogs run up to mine on leashes. and they say its ok they dont fight. i say well they had better learn to an quick :yes: . cause mine may do just that. . thats why they are leashed up. :blink: i now carry a walking stick to protect THEIR DOGS :blink: . MORONS


I'm in your boat, my dog doesn't like other dogs approaching and will fight so he's kept on the lead. He's only ever off lead at the beach and on hunts where he's got his head down etc. Same goes for the pup, she wouldn't hurt a fly but what would hurt her if she approached?? I can't walk mine on the street cause some mong usually has their dog off the lead. It's normally the woman with the huge alsatian that's attacked several dogs (and the police have been out), but she still continues to walk it off lead :blink: the sausage dog it had hold of has only just started going out for walks again, poor fecker must have been in for councelling :whistling: it's approached me before and my arse dropped out, luckily Ruby made such a racket it stood and didn't know what to do. I just keep away from that rabble, early mornings/late nights in all the long grass where nobody else can be arsed to tread. Suits me fine.

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back in the 90s this wasnt a problem here. our woods is allways a popular place for people walking. they comes from waterford city and towns and villages around us ta walk in our woods. if they had an aggressive dog they would put there dog on a lead. then you would put your dogs on a lead. if there dog was quiet they would leave there dogs off the lead, so you would leave your dog offa the lead.then when we pass each each other the dogs would only sniff each other. these days its all different. nearly every one leaves there dogs run wild. i wouldnt trust anyone these days. if i pass any stranger i allways put my dogs on the leads. if someones dog attack your dog, an ash plant is the only way ta go. and theres no pint in trying ta talk civil ta the owners. cause they will only try ta blame you. even thought you have your dogs on the lead and there dogs running wild. iv even had dogs running up ta my dogs growling at them and the owners be telling me at the same that there dog is quiet. they dont be long putting there dogs on a lead when they sees the ash plant coming out. the last thing i wanna do is hit anyones dog, but at the same time im not gonna leave anyones dog attack mine. could you imagine if you child, niece or nephew were out walking your dog and 10 mins after they comes in the door crying cause some unruly dogs after killing your dog all because an eejet of an owner couldnt be bothered putting a lead on it.

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  On 11/06/2012 at 09:58, paulus said:
  On 11/06/2012 at 09:50, vixen said:

Two days ago i was out with my four lurchers and "funnily enough" a labrador came running towards mine from accross a field and through two fences, not listening to a word the owner was shouting, as it got nearer i put wee fly on the lead as she had an op about a month ago, it ran at them hackles up right to it's tail, i stood in front of mine as they are not aggressive in any way towards other dogs and i shouted at it and hit it with a lead, it wasn't going to stop at me and next thing my young dog Trieg jumped in front of me and grabbed it by the face and shook it, it tried to have a go back but i grabbed my dog and hit it again, by this time the owner ran accross and got it on the lead.................WHY WOULD YOU LET A DOG OFF THE LEAD THAT YOU KNOW WOULD ATTACK ANOTHER?????????????????

labs need to go on the dangerous dogs list by the sounds of things :whistling::laugh: :laugh:


i think it's more like 98% of lab owners need to go on the "idiot dog owners" list!!

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my fell terriers are c**ts off the lead-they are always coupled-few years back was walking local fields -dogs coupled together when 2 fat border dogs thought they come over and start-they both grabbed my little chocolate bitch and started pulling her about,nasty little f*****g things-picked the bitch up and put the size 10 timberland into the one dogs face-lifted the little c**t off the floor-kept coming back for seconds-mean while my good old black dog grabbed hold of the other border and started drilling him-funny as f**k didnt want to know when matched with a dog his own dap,some nob came running down the field screaming at his dogs-hitting them with his lead-no f*****g control [bANNED TEXT] so ever-so i ran over and smashed him one.outcome-he got his two dogs and left holding his nose-told him next time i see his dogs off the lead-i let my black dog off and teach em a f*****g lesson.have had this problem a few times-my terriers are only off couples when checking/working earths or when on permission where you dont see no silly f*****g pet owners.wouldnt think twice about dishing out a slap or 2 to any clown that lets their dog run around attacking others on leads-if the dog aint 100% sound-keep it on a lead.atb bob ;)

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almost any dog has the potential to fight an' attack another dog. the issue with labs is there's so many of them, 1000s of pups regd with the KC every year plus non-regd that there's bound to be a few nutters in there, plus the daft Andrex puppy ads give people the wrong idea. NOT all labs are lovely cuddly little things. however, any breed can be a bit aggressive, my own lab nearly 9 was set upon by a setter [mine on the lead] a month ago. young setter bounds up tries to hump the old lad next minute few handbags with teeth, ends up with me forking out 90 quid getting my dogs ear sorted. the setter owner, strolled on by got in her feck off audi and disappeared.. i always lead my old lab up now as he's got older he's less tolerant of young "in-yer-face full dogs" and yet the amount of off the lead dogs we encounter.....


i wouldnt label any dog worse than the other, ditzy owners are the problem not the dogs.

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Ive had a few runnins at my local park, one was with a lab mix also,


i had my plummer cross and the dalmatian was playing fetch with them, i use two balls sent the plummers one into a thick bramble bush and sent the dali's the opposite way into the rugby field, as he picked the ball up and comes trotting back this big lab mix nailed my dali and flipped it on its back, this in itself isnt an easy job, the dali is soft as a brush but is a big old 35kg lump of muscle, but this crazed lab made it look easy,


i had my steel toe caps on and a really thick chavy dog lead (couldn't find the usual) i went flying up the field but i was a whole rugby pitch away and had to admit i didnt think id get there in time as this thing was going for the throat!, luckily my little plummer x went flying past me jumped about 3ft and crached into the side of this labs face, the lab tried do get a grip of the terrier but couldnt manage it and ran off, with the terrier hanging from its jowels for another 30 yards, so glad my other dog was there, one of the owners came over and they had a little 6year old ish kiddy with them and i remember thinking at the time if that was my dog it would be straight to the vets and put down! i wouldnt have that thing near kids, also they said it 'has never done it before' i thought yeah right,


the other incident was on saturday just gone, there is this elderly woman who has a real problem with my plummer x, ive been playing fetch and hes gone off chasing the ball and ive looked away for a 2nd looked back, and she is hitting him with shopping bags, and a walking stick for trying to play with her dogs! so as she is old (80+) and her trio of dogs has dwindled to just one, i avoid her and if i see her car at the park i go somewhere else, way i see it is shes elserly and ive never seen her with a husband, if it was my nan who is the same age and can be just as awkward and rash id want people to cut her some slack and give her the benefit of the doubt so i do just that, over years weve had a few run ins but she never remembers me or the dogs,


anyway so saturday i come back from a 4day camping trip, i take the terrier down the park, new signs up no more off the lead, and only allowed on the footpath, bearing in mind 90% of people who use this park are dog walkers, anyway i kept mine on a lead (long 9ft job) my dog is off sniffing something i turn to say bye to the girlfriend, turn back around and this womans chiwawa runs from behind her legs (off its lead) latches onto the plummer (not her dogs best idea) followed by the old dear screamming and proper laying in to my dog with her walking stick, which i swear made mine latch on harder, i step straight in tell my dog to leave and tap his nose, he does just that, she says my dogs a killer and should be put down, so i say fine phone the police and let them sort it, becasue at this point ive had enough of her. Elderly or not she needs telling, so i give her my details and say take your dog to the vet and see what they say and ill sort the bill, on my way out of the park i bump into a woman id seen not 20mins before with her westie that my plummer x was playing with, i tell her the story and she gives me her number to give to the police so she can tell them how good my dog really is, the police never came around, i was quite looking forward to presenting them with the number of my dogs 'character witness' lol,


it is a joke, i must admit when i first got my terrier when he was 6months old he was a nightmare and he has had a few runnins with our other terrier but i have put so much effort into sorting him out, now he is a great little dog, occasionly has the old terrier deaf ear syndrome when he really has his nose onto something, it really annoys me when people just expect their dogs to behave without putting the effost in and then blaming other people for their dogs mistakes!!

Edited by Jordb543
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