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Bushing dogs/ Lurchers little helper

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Sounds like a springer would do me good. Or a springer terrier cross. Do you think it's possible to have a springer that will bush for the lurchers but also come shooting and pick up with me?? Or is that asking two completely different things of a dog, horses for courses etc?? I'm guessing that the bushing comes kind of natural to them? What kind of training is involved??

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for me, I favour a pure spaniel - you can get a better level of obedience from them, there's no cover they won't go through, and they're unlikely to get to ground.

I would favour a springer but it's the lack of giving Tongue that would put me off for working with the lurcher. Deffaintatly will face any cover and will hunt up like a maniac all day long


you might be surprised re. giving tongue, my cocker sings like a good'un on fox, but is totally silent on any other quarry. Didn't expect it at all tbh and didn't know what the f**k was happening the first time she done it!

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Sounds like a springer would do me good. Or a springer terrier cross. Do you think it's possible to have a springer that will bush for the lurchers but also come shooting and pick up with me?? Or is that asking two completely different things of a dog, horses for courses etc?? I'm guessing that the bushing comes kind of natural to them? What kind of training is involved??


You would have to do the gun training first, in order to steady it up, other wise it would be running in etc and be a fecking nightmare for shooting over.

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Planning to fetch in a springer meself next season, but for the last few seasons used this boy, who was gifted from a good friend, he's a proper workhorse and if its there he will find it, works like a year old even at nine





a black jack russel eh...nice looking dog him Edited by sweeper
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NE Hunter if you have two russels that wont bush, dinny give up on them...


They dont know the game,fetch them out witha dog working cover they will follow, Hopefully :laugh:


I have had couple of ratching types since being a boy, Had a Ped smooth fox terrier that learnt the game by watching others.. If you get them out amoung the rabbits they will learn..


Give them a try you have nothing to loose...

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Giro, you are absolutely right in what you say.. No point in buying another dog to just leave the terriers at home! I will wait until the winter comes and see what I can make of these two, if nothing else they will enjoy the days out. I'm in no rush and I'm only working them for the fun of seen the dogs work so it's just a bit of fun, nothing serious so it can't go wrong! Cheers for all the replys.

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Giro, you are absolutely right in what you say.. No point in buying another dog to just leave the terriers at home! I will wait until the winter comes and see what I can make of these two, if nothing else they will enjoy the days out. I'm in no rush and I'm only working them for the fun of seen the dogs work so it's just a bit of fun, nothing serious so it can't go wrong! Cheers for all the replys.

Get the russells out now while there are the dumb young rabbits about as there is plenty of scent about during the day

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Give them a go now fella summer evenings and early morning, there are more rabbits about now..


They will be sitting in nettle patches.


Have any of your pals not got a wee terrier to show them the ropes??

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If you just get them around lots of scent and rabbits, and also play with them with a dead rabbit etc, maybe chucking it into the long grass etc and geeing them up with it. They will be screaming their heads off after them soon enough.

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It's not that they don't hunt up though lads, they go mad for a rabbit that the lurchers caught.. They just don't like cover, nettles etc and they won't enter. Maybe once they have realised that cover= chase then they will click on!!

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