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Your views on UK Policing

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Well they're always looking for something to do you for aren't they :whistling: i'm pretty sure every beat bobby i've seen round here is a PCSO who can't do anything anyway. I've been brought up not to trust them and especially so on one of my permissions where there is an access issue, ie the track goes past a farmers house who wanted to stop access to my mates farm..and it's been going on for years. The farmer deliberately blocks the gate, drives down the track towards you so you can't get past and threatens to kill you.........the police, even with video evidence and witness statements, have done f**k all :blink: pretty sure he's under police protection as he's been in prison for messing with kids needs a bullet.

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Imo the police dont do a bad job...Its just the odd individual who likes to think he is the be all and end all of its enforcement...bad apples in every spectrum of society..although i do think that so


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I think they do a good job in the main, however you feel about them, you wont have to put up with them much longer. G4S have won the tender to provide private policing.

A private corporation policing the streets ! Bearing in mind that a corporation needs to maximise profits and minimise overheads it's a worrying prospect.

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Well they're always looking for something to do you for aren't they :whistling: i'm pretty sure every beat bobby i've seen round here is a PCSO who can't do anything anyway. I've been brought up not to trust them and especially so on one of my permissions where there is an access issue, ie the track goes past a farmers house who wanted to stop access to my mates farm..and it's been going on for years. The farmer deliberately blocks the gate, drives down the track towards you so you can't get past and threatens to kill you.........the police, even with video evidence and witness statements, have done f**k all :blink: pretty sure he's under police protection as he's been in prison for messing with kids needs a bullet.


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Well they're always looking for something to do you for aren't they :whistling: i'm pretty sure every beat bobby i've seen round here is a PCSO who can't do anything anyway. I've been brought up not to trust them and especially so on one of my permissions where there is an access issue, ie the track goes past a farmers house who wanted to stop access to my mates farm..and it's been going on for years. The farmer deliberately blocks the gate, drives down the track towards you so you can't get past and threatens to kill you.........the police, even with video evidence and witness statements, have done f**k all :blink: pretty sure he's under police protection as he's been in prison for messing with kids needs a bullet.

and then some :thumbs:
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I think they do a good job in the main, however you feel about them, you wont have to put up with them much longer. G4S have won the tender to provide private policing.

A private corporation policing the streets ! Bearing in mind that a corporation needs to maximise profits and minimise overheads it's a worrying prospect.


Oh right guess it wasnt important enough to be all over the news and papers that the British cops ate getting disbanded. Guess if I subscribed to the tin foil brigades news letter I'd know.


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I think they do a good job in the main, however you feel about them, you wont have to put up with them much longer. G4S have won the tender to provide private policing.

A private corporation policing the streets ! Bearing in mind that a corporation needs to maximise profits and minimise overheads it's a worrying prospect.


Oh right guess it wasnt important enough to be all over the news and papers that the British cops ate getting disbanded. Guess if I subscribed to the tin foil brigades news letter I'd know.



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these police knew that the miners had no chance against maggie , but they were making that much on overtime , they loved it . ive heard they were proper twats . ONLY DOING THERE JOB MY FCUKIN ARSE

Feck me thats brought memorys back.
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these police knew that the miners had no chance against maggie , but they were making that much on overtime , they loved it . ive heard they were proper twats . ONLY DOING THERE JOB MY FCUKIN ARSE

Feck me thats brought memorys back.

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