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few bunnys with my new gun :)

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went for a mooch about this morning with my new hatsan at44-10, had to spend 10 mins to zero the rifle this morning and when i had it smack on i decided 2 go get some bunnys.

i had 3 rabbits this morning, lovely day and plenty of rabbits about until some bloke decided 2 walk his dogs on the patch where i wanted 2 go next so i called it a day and came home

for some reason i cant upload a pic of my new set up and my grub for later :)

atb carl


Edited by carlbritz6
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That bloke in that shop thinks hatsan is the dogs dangly bits. If you're poor and don't have a clue. Talk about weihrauch, and guns worth £500+ and suddenly he despises them...why sell products you don't believe in?!

Salesmen eh!

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i have a hatsan AT44-10 .22 and im starting to love it... at first i thought it was abit to new of a gun, as in some companys have teething problems with their 1st version of a gun but i went shooting with my hatsan lastnight and mannaged to take a crow at 35 yards not problem a starling at 50 yards and it didnt even flap just stone dead and a pinpont headshot on another crow at 25 yards.... i havent mannaged to use it on rabbits yet but im confident it wont let me down.... it has never jammed never double loaded its a grate gun... :)

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mannaged to take a crow at 35 yards not problem a starling at 50 yards and it didnt even flap just stone dead and a pinpont headshot


Are you from the England Adam? :hmm:


I take it that you don't know Starlings are a Red List species and as such are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981






Make sure you know and stick to the General Licence species in future pal ;)

Edited by Elliott
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