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Hi everyone on the falconry forum.

I've been involved in fieldsports for nearly 25 years, and an ex gamekeeper. I have always had a love for the birds of prey ever since i flew a harris hawk on holiday in scotland when i was 11 years old and then witnessed longwings hunting grouse on the north yorkshire moors where the estate i worked on owned.

I have now settled down in st helens with a very understanding and beautiful woman(just in case she reads this) who has granted me a childhood dream of owning one of these amazing birds.

I am currently reading as much info as i can and have some good dvds that get watched alot. I am in no hurry to do this as i want to do it properly with the welfare of the bird being the priortiy. I have read the horror stories of people rushing out and buying a bird with no idea how to keep,look after or train them, they are not a fashion item.

I already have permissions to hunt on land where my daughter rides her horse and land in wales were my soon to be mother and father in law live.

Any help or advice would be more than welcome and not dismissed

please be gentle haha

All the best


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welcome to the forum woodie :drinks: . there's alot of info in the archives from some good lads on the forum past and present.


I'm sure you will have other questions to fire up in the future :thumbs:........

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  On 09/06/2012 at 08:07, woodie said:

Hi everyone on the falconry forum.

I've been involved in fieldsports for nearly 25 years, and an ex gamekeeper. I have always had a love for the birds of prey ever since i flew a harris hawk on holiday in scotland when i was 11 years old and then witnessed longwings hunting grouse on the north yorkshire moors where the estate i worked on owned.

I have now settled down in st helens with a very understanding and beautiful woman(just in case she reads this) who has granted me a childhood dream of owning one of these amazing birds.

I am currently reading as much info as i can and have some good dvds that get watched alot. I am in no hurry to do this as i want to do it properly with the welfare of the bird being the priortiy. I have read the horror stories of people rushing out and buying a bird with no idea how to keep,look after or train them, they are not a fashion item.

I already have permissions to hunt on land where my daughter rides her horse and land in wales were my soon to be mother and father in law live.

Any help or advice would be more than welcome and not dismissed

please be gentle haha

All the best


wellcome to hell :bye: only joking mate welcome to the forum
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Thanks for the warm welcome guys...No doubt will be bombarding you lot with questions but will look at the archives first so not to keep repeating old questions.

I think the hard thing will be is to find a good trusted mentor as furgle commented....If there is anyone around my area that would be kind enough to mentor me that would be the best start i could get and would be eternally gratefull to anyone that can spare the time and share their experience with me.

Thanks again



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Finally read through most of the forums (thank god for night shifts this month) some great articles and pics...cant get mews designs out of my head now...

Still looking for a mentor and have had some news down the pipeline but nothing confirmed yet..

Is there anyone in the st helens area that could spare some time to show me their set up and basic tips etc. I wont be starting up until next year but would like to get the basics in my head and you cant beat first hand experience no matter how many books i read lol


thanks again


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  On 12/06/2012 at 20:22, woodie said:

Finally read through most of the forums (thank god for night shifts this month) some great articles and pics...cant get mews designs out of my head now...

Still looking for a mentor and have had some news down the pipeline but nothing confirmed yet..

Is there anyone in the st helens area that could spare some time to show me their set up and basic tips etc. I wont be starting up until next year but would like to get the basics in my head and you cant beat first hand experience no matter how many books i read lol


thanks again



Totaly agree woodie :thumbs:.


Books will give you a insight into the world of falconry but like most things hands on is when the real learning about the hawk and techniques learned really comes to the fold. I've lost count how many books I have read on the subject and gleaned things in the past I think would help me the most, I would look through chapters over and over again and jot down info that I felt at the time would be of the most value to me. the problem is when you get into reading book after book after book they then start to contradict each other, people use different techniques that suit them and get it down on paper, if you try and follow each and everyone it can be confuseing.


the good thing these days Woodie is there are alot more falconers about, its alot easier to find a mentor who not only can take you out with the birds but also give you some hands on experience with day to day managment and house keeping aswel as in the field. then again do your homework as someone who has only just taken up the noble sport who is basically a begginer at the start could well teach you some bad habits. personaly I would get some things down on paper that you feel will benefit you and lean it off bg heart! a diary if you like? like all things in life it pays to study subjects over and over again until most things come straight into your head as and when you need it :thumbs:.


all I can say mate is from my point of view some of the should I say newer books are probably best left for propping the bed leg up :laugh:. to me some of the old techniques used over centuries take some beating, you can tweak them here and there to suit yourself and the birds but most things are basic common sense, in time you'll have the know how on what makes the bird tick....

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Thanks again guys...Still got a few more books to read (emma ford art and practice and i got recommended phillip glacier aswell)

Had some more positive news including free ferret hutch and ferrets today its surprising that someone always knows someone lol

Thanks Parabuteos lad.but deleted my facebook account 5 months ago best thing i had done in a while didnt really want to know what my mates were having for dinner or what time they took a sh*t haha...Maybe open a new one to get in contact


thanks again top forum top post and tops guys



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  On 13/06/2012 at 19:21, woodie said:

Thanks again guys...Still got a few more books to read (emma ford art and practice and i got recommended phillip glacier aswell)

Had some more positive news including free ferret hutch and ferrets today its surprising that someone always knows someone lol

Thanks Parabuteos lad.but deleted my facebook account 5 months ago best thing i had done in a while didnt really want to know what my mates were having for dinner or what time they took a sh*t haha...Maybe open a new one to get in contact


thanks again top forum top post and tops guys




I know what you're saying. my kids go on it and sit for ages just typing messages to friends :blink:. Can't see the point myself when they can pick the phone up or pay them a visit, I moan like hell about it but I think these days I'm just a old fart way behind the times :laugh:.


Emma Ford book is a decent book as is the glazier one. if you get the chance you might have to go to the Library for this one " The Art And Practice Of Hawking - E B Michell another is "A Hawk For The Bush - Jack Mavrogordato.


Both Classics in their own right :thumbs:

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Welcome to the most additctive way of life there is. Most important advice is dont under estimate how much falconry will take over your life. Not that close to you but if you would like my take on anything feel free to pm me.


regards, Ian

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